Are you going to be writing code this weekend?

Sneha Nair
8 replies


Kushagra Agarwal
On sunday night before monday morning scrum :)
Rahul Kumar
no its code detox day
Aurélien Houdbert
Of course ! Need to work on a new project I plan to be launching soon 🚀 Python and JS mostly
Bjarn Bronsveld
Definitely! Launching a redesign of my platform and will start working on a couple of features this weekend so I can focus on marketing next week.
Mikhail Cruz Andrade
Yes, I'm working with my team on a saas boilerplate generator, and we're working on the weekends on this
Raisa Shafiyyullah
Probably some code review. And checking some repo my team did.
Росен Бобев
Yes as always. It's won't get better by itself -Coffee Break Quotes