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  • Are you focused on PLG or SLG?

    Alexandre Contador
    10 replies
    *Product led growth or Sales led growth


    Darly Selby
    PLG This approach emphasizes the product itself as the main driver of growth
    James Edward Thompson
    Focus on PLG first to rapidly get users and feedback. SLG can accelerate growth once you have product-market fit and predictable ROI for customers. But early on, nothing trumps great PLG for most products.
    Debra Salt
    I focused on PLG
    Elena Tsemirava
    I start with PLG, and we'll see how it goes from there.
    Lihong Hicken
    We started with SLG and moved to PLG once we use AI to change our product. But we will continue to do some SLG for the enterprise customers and use PLG as lead gen.
    Ben D
    I tried to focus on SLG
    Adriadna Mascioli
    I’m more into PLG because I love when a product sells itself. Letting users discover the value on their own just feels natural.
    William James
    SLG seems more strategic, but I prefer PLG. It feels less pushy and more about building a genuine connection with the user.
    Olivia Jane Miller
    We're PLG all the way! Our new AI-powered analytics platform is designed to be easily adopted by product teams without hand-holding from sales. The value prop speaks for itself and the onboarding is so slick, sales isn't needed to push it. Curious to hear other's PLG strategies for technical products though!
    Patricia Harris
    Focusing on the self-serve PLG model for initial traction and then layering on sales later for expansion revenue within key accounts. Curious what others are doing - PLG only or hybrid PLG/SLG approach?