Are you facing a hard decision right now? Share and let us help you!

Moritz Tomasi
4 replies
Title says it all: React vs Vue, NodeJS vs PHP, cats vs dogs, is cereal a soup or not, is it ok to wear socks with sandals? Ask away!


Carolyn Reed
I'm grappling with the decision of whether to accept a job offer that offers higher pay but involves relocating, versus staying in my current job that I enjoy and have built strong relationships within my current city.
Moritz Tomasi
@careed_45 Hei Carolyn! That's a hard one... Maybe i can help you, maybe not, but i'd need just a little bit more info about you. What else are random strangers on the internet good for. If you don't want it to be public DM me on Twitter @mailbites or on LinkedIn.
nothing or apple
Moritz Tomasi
@nirnimes Depends, how deep into the Apple ecosystem are you? Do you have a Macbook, Apple Watch etc?