Are you early bird or night owl?
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27 replies
I'm totally early bird
Göktuğ Okan Oğuz@goktugoguz
Previously Night Owl. Early Bird this year. Not that much productive but have better nerves. :)
Extreme early riser I wake up at 4:30 in the morning! 💪💪
Night owls FTW!
early bird queen :)))
Timesheet by Technuf
Feels like a proper mixture of both having to work sometimes with clients from different time zone :D
Both i guess. Night owl on the weekend, early bird during the weekdays lol
Since birth, night owl
I’d say a good mix of both as I’ve gotten older.
I was a night owl🦉
recently reborn🐣 to an early bird.
I did change my sleeping hours.
but lost that focus, clear minded thinking, creativity💡that I used to feel at night..
Any tips, early birds?
Or anybody gone through this?
Early birds, unite!
informed news
Lunch parrot (no idea what bird would be allocated to the lunch time zone)
Oh, that's a great option
can you tell us more
on how you use ur lunch time?
informed news
@jack_jung It's a great time to rest, digest and energise. I'm neither a morning person or a night owl, have different peaks of energy throughout the day. But lunch time is a nice consistent time to just take time for yourself and recharge.
I used to be a night owl but I can't stay past 11 now and I absolutely have to wake up early. Seems like I've lost half of my day if I don't.
Night Owl. There's nothing greater than the spark of inspiration at 2 AM.
Also, I love the silence and solitude of the dark, dark night!
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I was not a morning person, until I had to start working with developers half-way round the world. I guess I am still a night owl since I am typing this at midnight.
I'm more of a permanently exhausted pigeon, to be honest.
I used to be a night owl. Now I'm an early bird with a side of procrastination.
I think I'm an outlier.
I don't like being too early and too late
It could be normal
what are your usual active times?