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  • Are you, as a designer, afraid of losing your job because of AI?

    Two Heads
    17 replies


    Two Heads
    I am. All these logo maker tools, landing page creators, UI generators make it so much easier for people to not hire a designer.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I am not. Think that it could significantly improve the creative process. At the end of the day (for now), we need to write prompts there.
    Two Heads
    @busmark_w_nika how can it improve the creative process?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @twoheads Discussing the ideas. Or sometimes when I do not know what a certain effect is called I just ask ChatGPT (describing what I wanted) and it provided me with some options. So there are many things it can help with. It is like your coworker/collaborator.
    Two Heads
    @busmark_w_nika ah yeah, AI like ChatGPT for us designers is a great co pilot. I agree! But what’s your opinion about logo creators/brand kit generators, etc?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @twoheads Personally, I haven't used them so much so cannot say something relevant to it. But If I had that experience, I could make some complex verdict.
    Harshil Patel
    Not at all. In fact, I feel secured after experiencing the dumbness of AI.
    Two Heads
    @harshil_patel03 lool. It’s getting better and better, don’t you think?
    Salar Davari
    That's everyone's concern. AI will take certain jobs, but it will create many more.
    Two Heads
    @salar__davari also in the creative industry?
    Hassan Aziz
    I think the thing about AI taking away "creative" jobs is that, a lot of creative workers with very basic skills are gonna find themselves out of a job, unless they upgrade their skillset. AI is still very new, and is at a very basic level when it comes to creative skills like design, coding, etc. The pros are gonna use it as another tool to improve their work, while the less skilled people are gonna be forced to upgrade their skills if they still want to compete in the AI economy.
    Two Heads
    Hmm that’s actually a good way to look at it. In terms of UI/UX AI isn’t of great support just yet. But easier tasks like brand identity/logo design can easily be done by AI. Maybe it’s indeed time for creatives to step up their game and focus on more specialized skills in the design field.
    I think it's a power law game. The best designers will just get better -- either they use these tools to augment or scale their process, or they will move up-market. Middle of the skill/talent distribution most at risk.
    Two Heads
    @duffdevone hmm makes sense. But you as a consumer, would you still pay (the same) for a designer using AI?
    @twoheads in short, no. For smaller or simpler jobs, I'm just doing them myself now with the help of AI and then editing in Adobe. Before I might've considered hiring them out (eg. fiverr, 99d, etc.). For more holistic brand strategy, creative, content, etc. I still use my higher-end designer specifically because of his aesthetic/vibe however you want to describe it. Whether he integrates AI into his stack is irrelevant to me because I'm paying up for his eye. TL;DR -- I think AI cannibalizes marginal demand for design services at the low-end.
    Two Heads
    @duffdevone hmm ok, interesting view from a customer. I still think as a UI/UX designer you’re pretty safe. Branding/logo design is really getting better and better with AI