Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do you feel like it influences (positively or negatively) your job?


Martina Hackbartt
I really couldn't say! When with different people, I'm mostly an extrovert since I speak a lot and really like interacting. However, I need that balance of coming back home and spending whole days by myself since I really enjoy my own company and my social batteries do not last much.
Donia Ahmed
Totally an extrovert. I love getting to know people from different culture and i love all means of communication
Anna Mandziuk πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@donia_ahmed Awesome! Have you noticed any positive impact that your extrovertedness had in your job? πŸ˜€
Donia Ahmed
@anna_mandziuk yes sure. It makes me more outgoing and helped me increase my connections also I'm community coordinator so the most important thing is communication and being initiative
I would say in the middle. I cannot live without my friends and communication with them. But I ususally think better when I am alone and I can sometimes feel really tired after communicating with people a lot.
Anna Mandziuk πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@daryakhmetova Although I feel like I'm more extroverted, I also get that feeling that you're describing, the feeling that your social battery is close to empty πŸ˜…
Rick Turoczy
Introvert, for sure. And yet, I've managed to find ways to use it for positive impact in the community building work that I do.
Amarnath Nagula
I'm an Ambivert totally. I find it really challenging because when I'm working, the introverted part of me really helps to focus and get the job done where as being an introvert, I fail at voicing my opinions during team meetings. My extrovert part of me really comes to life when I'm at in-person events and it really helps me build my network. I don't i just get fired up when i attend events where i meet like-minded people πŸ€—
Anna Mandziuk πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@amarnath_nagula "I fail at voicing my opinions during team meetings" - totally relate to that! Often when my social battery is up, I have trouble expressing my thoughts
Amarnath Nagula
@anna_mandziuk exactly. I need to work on my skill to master my opinions in team meeting. I think it all comes down to how much the team members trusts you and gives opportunity express our thoughts. At my current job, I feel so good and love to go to work everyday πŸ€—
Iris Park
I'm somewhere between them, but closer to introvert. I used to have a hard time because I kept on getting shy and it's still hard to speak up sometimes. But I'm getting better with more experiences, and I can't do anything about it except for just moving on. I'm sure there are always going to be ups and downs :)
Dawn Veltri
Introvert, but I'm a learned extrovert at work. I couldn't do my job if I didn't force myself to interact more.
The Coach Chris
I'm kind of in-between. I can go out and be an extrovert but I need my time as an introvert first. There's a healthy balance in my life.
Sarah Jordi
Introverted extrovert. Would that be ambivert then? :) Really depending on the situation and usually starting out introverted and then becoming more extroverted the more comfortable I feel with people or in situations. I can be the person that anxiously stays in bed all day because I prefer being by myself and I "can't do" people that day, but I can also be the life of a party. I do believe for most people it's situational.
Definitely an introvert but amusingly most people think I'm an extrovert!
Anna Mandziuk πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@maxwellcdavis A couple of my friends, who I always considered being extroverted because they are always the life of the parties, told me that they are 100% introverts! Maybe you're the same way! πŸ˜‰
Ira GI
Introvert ... I think you should take care of yourself first and then the world around you will be better.
Jaskiran Kaur
I will say I am an ambivert. It depends on who I am with or what the situation is.
Both... anyway ;-)
Anett Keresztes
I am definitely an extrovert, which also helps my job as a Social Media Manager. :D
I keep switching modes depending on a gathering. I grew up more of a loner kid, so that part has wired me to keep it to myself. But with the right set of people I turn into bear from Masha & the Bear : )
Joe Giglio, Chief Remote Officer
I was an introvert long before it was cool but can turn on the charm if I need to. :)
Mavlonbek Muratov
I think I am both depending on the situation.