Are you also using your App?

Harsh Vyas
13 replies
Today, I used Pagemaker for my own work: I am planning a trek to Girnar on July 13th & 14th 🏞️ and I wish my office colleagues could join. Instead of just pasting a message in the group, I generated a landing page to invite them. Pagemaker helped me create this landing page without coding in just 30 minutes by selecting Tailwind CSS modules and editing them via the no-code editor. ⚡ I have added the design of that landing page in the comment. Check it out from the comment and let me know your feedback.


It's a good sign if you yourself are using your product because that signifies it is solving something for you (and hopefully for others). Like I use myself to stay on track with relevant reminders!
Thomas Hansen
Discuss whether founders and developers use their own apps regularly.
Thomas Hansen
Yes, using our own app helps us understand the user experience better. We just launched our product today and would love for you to follow us and try it out with a 7-day free trial.
Harsh Vyas
@thomas_hansen5 Okay, but what is it about?
Kristan Servidad
Yes, all the time - it's how we generate leads consistently to hit sales targets.
Christian Ross
I am using vitamin AI
CY Zhou
Yes, I use my app daily to ensure it meets user needs and runs smoothly. It's essential for me to experience it firsthand to understand and improve the user experience.
Asher Dorian Thorne
That's awesome that you used Pagemaker to create a landing page for your upcoming trek invitation! I love using no-code tools like that to quickly spin up professional-looking pages without having to write any code. I'd be curious to see the Tailwind CSS modules you used and how you customized them in the editor. Sounds like Pagemaker made the process super fast and easy. I'll have to check it out for my own projects. Keep us posted on how the trek goes!
Gurkaran Singh
Your creativity in using Pagemaker for your trek landing page is as impressive as a well-stocked backpack for a mountain expedition! Who knew designing invites could be as thrilling as planning the trek itself? 😉