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  • Are you afraid or excited about AI advancement?

    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    18 replies
    Every day a new breakthrough in technology surprises us and that is exciting. At the same time, society is becoming too digitalized and the world looks more and more like a utopian fairy tale. Tell me your thoughts


    Sue Buist
    I am excited for the technology. I am cautious about society with it. Collectively we have to get this right. The powers that be need to recognize this is a global entity and not be worried about their won ego or success, rather they need to look at this as a common cross culture growing thing. Otherwise society will end up with a worse version of the internet. Companies also need to focus on how to use the technology ethically and have it fit into their business seamlessly as opposed to make space for it at the cost of employees or wasted time/money.Society needs to recognize that there is a whole generation of more still living and trying to function in life who have lived through an astounding amount of change. For some of these people, a car is advanced technology, forget about one that can park itself.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @sue_buist By the way, I am one of those who like to park my car. HAHAHA
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @sue_buist Thank you, that's just the kind of reflection I was looking for. For me technological advancement is exciting, but this advancement without any ethics behind it can have devastating effects. If there is something that worries me today is the issue of addictions that technology is generating. It is clear that the human brain, despite being almost perfect, has weaknesses, and taking advantage of them to generate money does not seem to me to be a real advance in humanity.
    William Marget
    Technology has both impacts on society positive & negative, I am worried if people not use technology in ethical way what the effect we face on the world.
    Preston lvy
    I have mixed feelings about AI. On one hand, it’s amazing to see what it can do, but on the other hand, it can be a bit overwhelming. How do you approach it?
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @preston_lvy I totally get your mixed feelings about AI. It’s pretty awesome to see all the cool things it can do, but yeah, it can also feel a bit overwhelming sometimes. For me, I try to stay curious and keep up with the latest news, while also being a bit cautious. It’s all about finding that balance and making sure we’re thinking about the ethical stuff and how it affects society. How do you handle your concerns about AI? Or do you just ask your smart fridge for advice? 😄
    I think AI has a lot of potential to improve our lives, so I’m leaning towards excitement.
    David Baker
    I'm more excited than afraid. The innovations we’re seeing are incredible and could really make a difference.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @david__baker What about the possibility of massive job loss or increased polarization?
    Pablo Ani
    I'm definitely excited! The possibilities with AI are endless, and it's fascinating to see how it's changing industries.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @pablo_ani What about the possibility of massive job loss or increased polarization?
    Simon Paul
    A bit of both, honestly. AI has so much potential, but I worry about what happens if we lose control over it.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @Simon_Paul4 I think most people feel the same way as you, based on the comments. But who really has the control?
    Mae Twyman
    Excited for sure! It’s amazing how AI can solve problems we didn’t even know we had. But I do wonder about the long term impact on jobs.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @mae_twyman I share your excitement, Mae! AI has the potential to tackle challenges we haven’t even identified yet, which is truly fascinating. However, I also understand your concerns about the long-term impact on jobs. It’s crucial that we find ways to integrate AI into the workforce that enhance human capabilities rather than replace them. How do you think we can best prepare for these changes?
    Mark Martinez
    Excited but cautious. The potential is immense but we need to develop it thoughtfully and ethically. Companies should focus on integrating AI to enhance their business, not replace employees. And society needs to help older generations who didn't grow up with this tech to adapt. If we get it right, AI could revolutionize the world for the better. But if mishandled, the dangers are real. It will take a collaborative global effort to harness the positives while mitigating the risks. I'm hopeful we're up to the challenge, but it won't be easy. What a fascinating time to be alive!
    Leo Sebastian Callahan
    Excited but cautious. AI will enable amazing breakthroughs but needs careful oversight. Companies must use it ethically, not just chase profits at the expense of people. We have to make AI work for everyone, young and old. Huge societal challenge to get it right but the potential is incredible if we do.
    Mary Kuper
    I am really excited about that!