Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Soumya Chaturvedi
39 replies
I want to be a morning person and start my day early. But the winter laziness is my stopper .....


Ritu Soni
I tried but I guess Night is my thing
Soumya Chaturvedi
@ritu_soni Whatever works with you, go with that
Jason Andries
It depends on the seasons honestly. I'm neither when it gets dark and cold outside, but I'm both when it's sunny and warm
Erica Lee
I wish I were an early bird, but I've been a night owl my whole life. I know this because even as a kid, I would still be up even after my parents go to bed. And even now, being awake early in the morning doesn't feel right to me. However, I still wish I'm the opposite because I feel like the society is built to favor early birds :)
Soumya Chaturvedi
@eunca as a kid I would always sleep on time
sowmya k s
I want to be a morning person. But always be a night owl.
Sherry Xena
@soumya_chaturvedi sometimes,if I travel, I can get up early,hh
Dávid Sipos
sometimes both :D There are times when I enjoy waking up early but sometimes I can't sleep until like 4 am
Jim K
like feel myself as a morning person but I'm night person
Ágh Helmut
I'm a night owl but really jealous of people who are able to stay productive while waking up early 🥹
Sandhya R Nair
I could be either depending on the weather XD
Benjamin Robert
morning when i have go to work :)))
Patrick Adele
Night Owl is joining this discussion :)))
Sanjay Somashekar
I have become both in the past few months unfortunately.
I'm definitely a morning person, I love getting up early and starting the day off with a positive attitude. It's the best way to get things done!
Personally I prefer Mornings, after a good workout I feel myself refreshed and able to concentrate more when compared with nights.
Nimesha Buvanendran
A proud night owl🦉 As a content writer, I prefer to write when it's silent and the night time helps.
Tanya Elliott
Feeling better when become a morning person
Ravi Tamada
Unfortunately became both lately, but waking up early feels great always.
Fiona Clara
any kind for me, go to sleep late but wake up early