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  • Are recruiters starting to reject candidates who have a side hustle?

    Nithin Jawahar
    6 replies
    One of my friends recently applied for a job at an unicorn company only to get rejected in the final round of interview. Apparently, the recruiters weren't very pleased with him carrying out freelancing gigs in his spare time even though it didn't affect their business in any way. Is the "Moon Lighting" trend making companies be more paranoid while hiring new candidates?


    Software Guy (Aarvy)
    yes, I think companies are more concerned about whether the employee would stay long-term with them or not. So, I think it's better to keep your project ideas to yourself only.
    Software Guy (Aarvy)
    @nithin_jawahar in that case... put it up in different way.. I cleared so many interviews because of my side project. I explained the tech behind it and they instantly get to know that I have relevant skills and I don't need to answer those traditional traversal problems which have nothing to do with the real job.
    Murali Gottumukkala
    @software_guy Yes, as everybody is venturing into building their own ideas
    Nithin Jawahar
    @software_guy yeah. But i think it's hardly possible to keep your side projects to yourself. Especially when companies with these sorts of policies will 100% go through your social media profiles before hiring. Right?
    Iqra Fareed
    I believe recruiters like candidates to be more transparent during interviews but sharing a side hustle would make a recruiter's decision shaky.
    Nithin Jawahar
    @iqra_fareed01 exactly! That's a very tricky situation indeed.