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  • Anytalk.ai — Your Online Translator for Video Conferencing

    Nikita Antonov
    0 replies
    Hello everyone! Today, we’re excited to share with you about who we are and the problem we’re aiming to solve with anytalk.ai, but let’s start from the beginning. How often do you find yourself communicating with foreign colleagues? As a founder, it happens to me all the time. While my English is not bad, there’s definitely room for improvement in my vocabulary. And, let’s be honest, by the end of the day, the internal translator in your head starts to lag a bit. While exploring the internet, I stumbled upon a service that could translate videos into different languages while preserving the original voice, and that’s when a brilliant idea struck me — what if we could do this translation instantly? What if users could just click once and start speaking and understanding any language? That’s precisely what anytalk.ai is here to help with. We’re creating a AI-driven online meeting translator converts and preserves the speaker’s voice, ensuring clear understanding in any language for everyone. Currently, we’re just a small team of four, working hard on the MVP version, which is set to be released for beta testing in a month. If our project piques your interest, you can visit our landing page and fill out a form to participate in the testing! Of course, we’re always happy to receive feedback.
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