Anyone using any in-browser web animation tools?

Does anyone use any in-browser tool that allows to create animations on the web?


Felipe Zorro
For lottie files I am using I don't know if they still have a wait list but I got in about a month ago. Recommend them 100%.
André J
Launching soon!
@felipezorro Can Lottie do animated svgs?
Felipe Zorro
@sentry_co You can import SVGs in Lottielab to animate if thats what you are asking. Havent tried it yet but just checked if you can import SVGs and you can
Arsen Batyuchok 🇺🇦
@felipezorro Wow, it's pretty damn cool - not having to go to Adobe AE to make a Lottie animation!
Daniel Adams
@felipezorro Thanks for the rec. I was looking for something like this the other day.