Anyone here building in public on Twitter? Would love to follow your journey!

Florian Vates
23 replies
I recently started building in public and I'm loving it so far. The community is just so great! Anyone here doing the same?


Frank Apap
Still trying to build a following on where I talk about building our 2 sites (which each have their own twitter).
I recently discovered the #buildinpublic hashtag myself: 👀👀👀👀
Florian Vates
@galeonn how do you like it so far? Do you also have a private account where you share?
@fvates That is basically my personal account, lol And yeah, it's really fun and brings some people to my website
Pam K.
We are building our PH launch in public. X -> @Silisolutionist
Florian Vates
@silisolutionist nice, i see you’re pretty new on twitter. Unfortunately you have the default setting enabled that only verified accounts can DM you, wanted to check in to see how it’s going 😊
Pam K.
@fvates I could've sworn that I had that set to 'Everyone'. I've fixed it up now. Thanks for the follow. :-)
Tariq Anees
Hey Florian! I am new to the buildinginpublic movement. Just created my product's twitter account Would love to follow you too!
Hey Florian! I find the community encouraging myself. Feel free to follow
We are a service based company and we are also building in public and we are doing this since last 2 years.
Florian Vates
@mehul_fanawala wow! 2 years already! How is it going so far?
priyanka prasad
We have been building in public on Twitter and have found a great like minded community there.
Florian Vates
@priyanka_prasad5 I totally agree! Wanted to DM you, unfortunately it seems you still have the option enabled that only premium users can contact you.
Florian Vates
@priyanka_prasad5 yes! Let’s do that! I cannot message you because I’m not verified. You can change that in your settings if you don’t actually want that. Elon enabled that by default 🙄
André J
Launching soon!
Curious: what's the definition of building I public? is it stealth or public? or is it all the way to 100% opensource?
Florian Vates
@sentry_co I think building in public just means that you share a constant progress of what you’re working on, your wins, your struggles and so on. Of course you don’t have to share EVERYTHING. Just whatever you feel comfortable with. It’s great for getting early feedback and validation and can be super motivating. Especially because the community is super awesome!! If you haven’t yet, you should definitely give it a try!