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  • Any suggestions for improving website conversion rates?

    Simay Bozkurt
    13 replies


    We can help you increase your audience rate by showcasing your website or blogpost in our digital publishing app. Our product offers personalized URLs, clickable links, and videos, and you can also embed us onto your website and create personalized QR codes. We have a free plan so you can try us out and see how we can help you improve your website conversion rates.
    Muhammad Roushan
    Put a lot of effort in improving your onboarding section. If you don't have one - that might be the problem you're looking for.
    Vladislavs Sprengels
    Targeting a more specific audience. While targeting a broad audience is great for clicks usually there is not much conversions made. Do a target audience research and go specific as possible to not waste money on clicks.
    Tra Dao
    I have a similar concern. Our website CR is just around 20%, and the CR from our marketing channels to our website is even lower =((((((( Can you guys take a look on it: https://www.save.day/
    Alex Petruchio
    As little corporate marketing **** as possible, it is ridiculous in 2023.
    Tomáš Blaťák
    Optimize UI. do user interviews ask them to feedback and start work on improvements. :)
    Eugene Griffin
    Good ol' A/B testing, can't beat that. Also, consider clear CTAs, and maybe improving site speed? Heard Client MMM's conversion rate optimizer is quite slick.
    Buse Kara
    Optimizing the design and user experience, ensuring clear and compelling call-to-action buttons, streamlining the conversion process by minimizing steps and form fields, and incorporating social proof through customer testimonials and reviews. Additionally, implementing personalized recommendations, using persuasive and targeted copywriting, and leveraging data analytics to identify and address any potential barriers or friction points in the user journey.
    Renat Abyasov
    There is no secret formula. Test different images and wording, track metrics and choose the best, Your audience may need a special approach ☺️
    Ganesh Patil
    I think UI matters the most.
    Shajedul Karim
    great question. here are some thoughts to consider: 1. user experience: is your site easy to navigate? make sure users can quickly find what they're looking for. 2. clear value proposition: can visitors quickly understand what you're offering and why they should care? 3. trust indicators: testimonials, case studies, secure payment badges. these can boost credibility and increase conversions. 4. strong call-to-action: what do you want visitors to do? make it clear and compelling. 5. mobile optimization: more people browse on mobile now than ever. ensure your site looks and works great on all devices. 6. testing: a/b test different elements to see what works best. never stop optimizing. hope these tips prove useful in enhancing your conversion rates.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Use social media to drive traffic to your website. Share your content on social media and use social media advertising to reach a wider audience. Run A/B tests to see what works best. Test different elements of your website, such as your headline, CTA, or landing page, to see what drives the most conversions. Get feedback from customers. Ask your customers what they think of your website and what they would change. This feedback can help you to improve your website and make it more user-friendly.
    Tim Boulay
    Clearly define your value proposition. What makes your product or service unique and why should people choose you over your competitors? Make sure this is clearly communicated on your website, both in the text and through visuals.