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  • Any new marketing strategies that have worked for you in the recent past?

    Adithya Narayanan
    2 replies
    Social media ads used to be a great way to get traction for your product, but feel like ROI across the board has been dipping for ads. In a trust deficit world, running and managing a community where you provide lots of free value seems to be a good way to go - but it's super time-consuming to do that as an early-stage founder. Would love to hear from anyone who has hit upon a new marketing strategy/channel that has worked. More importantly, would love to hear why you think it worked!


    Hemant Warier
    As a marketer, I always strive to stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of the latest trends and strategies in the industry. One strategy that has worked well for me in recent times is leveraging the power of social media influencers. By partnering with influencers in my niche, I was able to tap into their existing audience and reach new potential customers. I also found that working with influencers helped to build trust and credibility for my brand. Another strategy that has been effective for me is incorporating user-generated content (UGC) into my marketing campaigns. By sharing real-life customer testimonials and photos, I was able to showcase the value and benefits of my product in a relatable and authentic way. Lastly, I have found that focusing on building a strong email list has been a great way to stay connected with my customers and drive sales. By regularly sending out newsletters, special promotions and exclusive content, I have been able to engage my audience and encourage repeat business. Overall, I believe that staying open to new marketing strategies, and experimenting with different tactics is the key to success. It is essential to continually measure the performance of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.