Any Hunters out there who own / operate a website?! How do you deal with error page views?!

Giannis Kiokpas
8 replies
we got the app for you! gather round the weekend campfire and discuss!


Christian Misael Prado Ciokler
Usually, when an error happens, we create a nice-looking user interface (UI) page to quickly tell the user about it. And if needed, we make sure to give them all the details about the error. We also make sure to capture and store the error in a database for later review. Of course, there are more complicated things involved, but that's the basic idea!
Alec Nguyen
@chrisciokler @ikiok that's pretty cool. just followed your launch. would appreciate a follow back if you r interested.
Giannis Kiokpas
@chrisciokler fantastic! And what about sniffing out the error beforehand! Our App can alert you daily on these errors so that you fix them on the spot!
Christian Misael Prado Ciokler
@ikiok I am always eager to discover innovative solutions. Your proposal sounds intriguing, and I am looking forward to its launch.
Giannis Kiokpas
@alec_afforai done! Already following Afforai!
Alec Nguyen
@ikiok Hey Giannis, I've launched my product and I could really use your feedback
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
For the user, we pop up a toast to tell them what is going on. Otherwise, we keep a log of our server. Maybe in the future, we will integrate a way of notifying the dev team.
Giannis Kiokpas
@hungnguyenkhac7 well your dev team will surely love our new App! Patience till Tuesday! ;)