Another Milestone: SYLLABY turns 1 year old

Jao Japitana
2 replies
Hey there! Today marks a whole year since we kicked off Syllaby, the startup I'm proud to be a part of! I can't thank you enough for the incredible support, help, and feedback you've given us along the way. 💕 It's been a wild ride, going from just an idea to having tens of thousands of folks using our solution in just one year. We're pouring our heart and soul into making video marketing a breeze for you and helping your business grow! But guess what? We're just getting started. Year one was all about laying the groundwork. Year two? Well, get ready for some awesome features and improvements, all thanks to your feedback. Syllaby is about to level up! I'm super stoked to spill the beans on what's coming up next. Thanks for being part of this journey. 🙏


Ghulam Abbas
Congratulations! 🎊