An unexpected Launch

Arthur Leclercq
14 replies
This morning we were about to launch when at 9am (time where products are released) the fire alarm of our building rang (there was no fire, just an error haha). We have began the launch of Vitamin AI, outside with a rainy weather. But we're still in the race, you can check to product that survived to this fire right here: Have a great day!!


Joséphine Roux
You did a great job
Dan O'Malley
You're number 5! Let's go!
Coral Lauren
What a crazy day it must have been! Upvoted!
Thomas Hansen
Discuss unexpected product launches and their impact.
Thomas Hansen
Unexpected launches can create a lot of buzz and excitement. Speaking of which, we just launched our product today! Follow us and try it out with a 7-day free trial.
David Murray
Congratulations Have a nice day with your launch
CY Zhou
That's exciting news, Arthur! Can't wait to see what you've launched.
CY Zhou
Arthur, your launch was truly a pleasant surprise! Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.
Amit Arora
Good progress :)
Anthony Harris
Wow, talk about an unexpected launch! Glad to hear everyone is safe and the product still made it out despite the fire alarm interruption. A bit of rain can't stop a determined team on launch day. Congrats on getting Vitamin AI out there - I'll definitely check it out. Best of luck with the launch!
Gurkaran Singh
Launching a product in the rain sure beats a fire alarm surprise! Talk about a dramatic entrance for Vitamin AI. Who knew technology could be so weather-resistant?
Charles Hall
Oh no, what terrible timing for a false fire alarm! But way to persevere and launch Vitamin AI despite the rain and evacuation. Nothing can stop your launch day momentum! The product looks slick - I'm excited to check it out. Best of luck with the launch!