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  • AMA: our startup was nominated for the personal productivity Golden Kitty ✌️🐱

    Parker Klein
    2 replies
    After 8 years of development, we finally launched Twos on Product Hunt in July... And we won Product of the Day! 🎉 It was unexpected and all thanks to the supportive community we've built on Discord, through the product (there's a social side), and the warm welcome from the Product Hunt community. Yes, I know Product Hunt is about MVPs and early launches, but we waited because: 1) I started building it to learn how to program and was using it to learn. 2) I worked at Google and had a non-compete with Google Keep (until I quit a few years ago). This week we were met with another surprise, we were nominated for the personal productivity Golden Kitty award for 2023. We're so grateful to make a positive impact on people's productivity and organization and I want to share whatever I can to help y'all learn. Lmk if you have any questions about Twos, productivity, working at Google, starting a company, or software development. Show your support for Twos here: https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/personal-productivity And learn more about Twos here: https://www.producthunt.com/products/twos Happy Twosday y'all ✌️


    Twos Joe ✌️
    I don't know who this guy is or what he's talking about - but I love it. See you at Twos HQ later?