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  • “AI will replace marketers” VS “AI can change the lives of marketers”

    Sabahet Amjad
    20 replies
    For the past 2 months, the marketing team at mailmodo.com has been working with Isabella Bedoya to explore the impact of AI in marketing. We've spoken to expert marketers, including Drew Brucker, Ben Pines, Heather Murray, Audrey Chia, and Najmah Salam to learn how they've adapted to AI and tuned all our insight into a documentary that will be releasing soon. Please check out its trailer (its really good) and share what you think -> https://www.mailmodo.com/events/coming-soon


    Aditya Chavan
    AI will destroy Head Of Marketing who's only job is to hire agencies. For the rest of the guys who choose to upgrade, "Welcome to the 10X Productivity"
    Sabahet Amjad
    @aditya_chavan3 interesting take, Aditya. Even I honestly think that it will finally make way for marketers who are good at what they do,
    Zeeshan Akhtar
    AI is a technology. Technology is agnostic. Mostly.
    Felya Bilgen
    AI can change the lives of marketers :)
    Sabahet Amjad
    @felicitias Hey that's a postive outlook :) Could you elaborate what makes you think so?
    @felicitias I think AI is already changing lives of marketers. It allows them to have more time, less routine tasks, more opportunities for creativity, and provides new methods for bringing campaigns to life. it's incredible.
    Rishikesh Ranjan
    AI can't replace marketers. It can though make the lives of marketers very very easy.
    Sabahet Amjad
    @ranjanrishikesh, good to know. What use-cases have you found most interesting so far? Besides copywriting, of course?
    Rishikesh Ranjan
    @sabahet_amjad1 I don't use it for copywriting at all. I mainly use it for brainstorming and making sense of cluttered data,
    AI needs directions to operate, so no - it can only make marketer's lives better :D
    André J
    AI will replace everyone 😅
    Jules Essen
    In the world of AI and marketing's sway, Human creativity will forever light the way. AI is a tool, not a replacement complete, Together, they craft a future that's sweet.
    Aditya Chavan
    @julesfyt clearly you are using AI to grow. Cheers!
    Steve Lou
    If used smartly, AI can help marketers make their authentic stories resonate more. If AI can replace you, it's probably because your content is "average" at best :)
    Kausik Raj
    As a growth marketer. In my opinion AI can't replace marketers, it will help marketers to increase the productivity by 10X. The best example is ChatGPT, when it was released everyone assumed content writing roles will be gone, but in reality a new role named prompt engineer was discovered. So all we need to so is to adapt to the new trends and incorporate to increase the output quality. What do you think about this?