AI Reading app - looking for focus group
Ivaylo Shirokanski
6 replies
Hi, I am working on an AI reading app and I am looking for people who read a lot as part of their work. I would like to conduct some customer interviews and learn more about the problems you are facing as well as see whether my existing solution can help. Any advice would be more than appreciated :)
when i read a lot i like the autoscrolling option
then i could just relax and read
i wonder how AI could be useful for me ?)
is it mobile/desktop ?
@ivaylo_shirokanski sure .. such ai options seems already implementing in many/all text app:)
@xeno1 hey, the autoscrolling idea is certainly interesting.
I think that AI can be helpful with text summarization (button click), asking your documents question, AI assisted notes taking, simplifying complicated text or asking for examples related to the text. It helps me personally at work quite a bit. I can read industry reports faster and prepare presentations based on them.
@xeno1 I have seen many of these if not all in different apps around the web but I personally do not find them usable and convenient for focused research reading. I don't believe that the chat interface is the most user friendly option for most tasks.
Do you think that there is anything missing in this space as a consumer that you would like to see implemented somewhere?
@ivaylo_shirokanski hard to say .. at least desktop and mobile versions .. good voice-reading )) though it's too expensive for now
as i understand you focus on productive reading then making some useful prompts to AI to find related sources is ok