AI Chat SMS got me thinking...

Dan Mindru
3 replies
Saw this new product today by @franco_valdes and it made me realize how prevalent "AI" chats are in our life. But this takes a bit further and gives you access to ChatGPT even without internet. Will there be a future where these AI chats will be embedded in all commodity devices? You go to a restaurant and talk to a chatbot instead of a waiter? Or at the museum you can have a conversation with an "art piece" to learn more? So fascinating this wasn't a thing 6 months ago and now it's an integral part of our life.


Dan Mindru
oops forgot to link it - you can check out AI Chat SMS here -> Available in the US & Canada at the moment.
Gaël de Mondragon
Interesting thoughts! I feel sorry for the people who have put all their energy into the lame chat bots of the last 10 years that everyone (but them) hated... Now everyone is getting excited and they must want to shout: "I TOLD YOU IT WAS REVOLUTIONARY!!!"
Nacho Franchini
For me the question instead of "Will there be?" should be "when this is happening?" Should we start betting?...