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  • Added incentives to offer my paid members?

    Amanda Stern
    4 replies
    Hi all, I write a psychology and mental health newsletter called "How to Live." My goal is to build a comprehensive mental health library that is FREE and accessible to everyone. That is, I will not lock away valuable content behind a paywall, offering it only to people who can afford to pay. That said, I do need to make money. And because of that, I'm launching a paid membership option. The pitch is for people who CAN pay to pay so that I can keep the site free for everyone, and free from ads. I offer only two additional incentives to paid subscribers: a monthly zoom call with me, and a private Facebook group. I worry I need more incentives. That's where I need your help. Can you brainstorm with me? What would YOU pay for? Thanks so much in advance! --Amanda


    Have you asked the people that receive the newsletter? They are your potential customers. What about competitors? What do they offer?
    Amanda Stern
    @maxwellcdavis I haven't yet because I want some options to choose from. It's a lot to ask people to come up with ideas for this. Competitors use paywalls, mainly.
    Fabian Maume
    Have you considered financing yourself from affiliate programs? Most online therapy services are offering affiliate programs, it could be another way for you to finance yourself.
    Amanda Stern
    @fabian_maume That's a fantastic idea. I use a bookstore affiliate program (not Amazon) but I had no idea online therapy services had affiliate programs. Wow. Thank you!!!