The headline, A product is recognised by its colors, is already Number One, on page one on Google. Above over one billion plus websites.
First, Click the link and see proof with your own eyes.
Second, suggest you take advantage of your above headline.
Third, utilize headline to help you build products to resolve issues.
And lets chat more about it. What do you think, Kathan Desai
Of course the color matters a lot, but what stage is this product? If the product provides some type of value, people will start recognize the product regardless of its colors. If the product provides no value, they wont remember color; won't matter much at that point.
No doubt a product recognised by its color. A signature color can increase in a consumer’s recognition of your brand. Indeed, even if you can’t see the Starbuck’s logo, chances are you would recognise on of their famous drinks by its characteristic green straw.
Obviously, colors are important, but at which phase is it this product? People will begin to identify the product regardless of its hues if it gives some form of value. If the product provides no value, they will not remember the color...
WOW, the above headline is listed on Google. Number one, page one, above one billion, plus websites. Incredible, to say the least. Meanwhile, click the following link to see proof of above information.
This showed us that the use of colour in branding is more important in brand recognition than even the name of your business
34% used black in their logo
30% used blue in their logo
30% used red in their logo
9% used yellow in their logo
7% used green in their logo
6% used grey/silver in their logo
5% used orange in their logo
2% used brown in their logo
NVSTly: Social Investing
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Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
Pentest Copilot by BugBase