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  • A product designer trying to turn product founder

    Dana Darr
    7 replies
    Who out there has a similar origin story of being from a product design background and wanting to launch their own product? I've gone through many ideas over the years and never really did much with them. This time, I'm throwing the spaghetti against the wall and watching it stick. At least that is my hope, without trying we will never know! ✊


    Chel Chen
    A marketer trying to turn product founder
    Dana Darr
    @chenx552 What kind of marketing did you do?
    Dana Darr
    @chenx552 I think I'm going to need to learn the basics of all of those as I begin to build my product. Less on social media marketing and more SEO at first.
    Chel Chen
    @bigbalddesign mainly digital marketing in SEO, ASO and Social Media marketing
    I came from graphic designer to web developer. Now I build and I ship. At least, I try to ship.
    Dana Darr
    @mho22 Having your graphic design background was it any easier for you to design and ship your products? I've noticed a lot of people mistake pretty things for great products and that isn't always the case.
    @bigbalddesign That's true, visual appeal doesn't guarantee usefulness, but something helpful without good UX or UI will struggle to reach its audience. I believe I can more easily produce effective UX and UI with my graphic design background.