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  • A PH launch is not enough!

    Franklin Mayoyo
    20 replies
    A Product Hunt Launch Is Not Enough! Lessons from my 2nd PH launch. Two weeks ago, I eagerly pressed the launch button on Product Hunt, hoping for my product to soar to new heights. As the day unfolded, my excitement peaked when I saw my creation reach the coveted #4 Product of the Day, backed by over 250 upvotes. It was a moment of validation and celebration. However, as the dust settled, I was faced with a rather sobering reality – despite the acclaim, my Product Hunt launch yielded just 0 sales(all my 3 sales were from X). This experience taught me a valuable lesson: a Product Hunt launch is not a silver bullet for instant success. Below are insights and takeaways from my Product Hunt journey. 1. Visibility is Not Always Conversion Reaching the upper echelons of Product Hunt rankings undoubtedly gets you attention. However, it doesn't necessarily translate to immediate sales. The Product Hunt audience includes a diverse group of individuals, from tech enthusiasts to other product makers. Not everyone visiting your product page is your target customer. 2. Community Engagement Matters The Product Hunt community is a unique one, driven by genuine passion for innovative products. Engaging with this community can lead to valuable feedback, partnerships, and collaborations. I realized that fostering connections and relationships with fellow hunters can be as rewarding as direct sales. 3. Pre-Launch Preparation is Key In hindsight, I realized that my pre-launch strategy was lacking. It's important to build anticipation and interest around your product before the launch day. Email lists, social media teasers, and blog posts can help create a buzz that extends beyond the Product Hunt community. 4. Continuous Promotion is Necessary The Product Hunt effect is often short-lived. To maintain momentum and capitalize on your initial exposure, you need to have a well-thought-out post-launch marketing strategy. Leverage other marketing channels and platforms to keep the interest alive. 5. Product Quality Trumps All Ultimately, the success of your product on Product Hunt or anywhere else depends on its quality and the problem it solves. The platform can be a catalyst, but it's your product's value that drives success. Thank you.


    Simone Famulari
    How far in advance did you prepare the pre-launch?
    Very interesting reflection. While I'm preparing for our launch, I keep reminding myself of the fact that I should not rely too much on the launch on PH and - while trying to prepare for it as much as possible - I have to keep in mind all the other important things around and within the product itself. I like to see PH as a starting point and not as as finish line, what do you think?
    Xavier JJ
    Did you have a pre launch?
    Neel Patel
    Good reflection. I'd just add one key thing that launch success would be a heavily dependant on Product and Product-community fit. @mayoyo25
    Gaurav Sharma
    Excellent points Franklin! Eventually #5 might be the most important. As a sub point to that the video and graphics posted during launch are also quite important to nudge the people on the fence for upvoting, commenting and trying the product!
    Julia Chacur
    totally agree. I would say cultivating a community is essential!
    Kate Tyshchenko
    what other platforms do you use to promote if its a digital b2c stuff/ apps?
    Jawad Tijani
    I appreciate your insight Franklin! 👍
    Matteo Mirabelli
    Franklin, your insights are spot on! 🙌 Every PH launch is a learning experience. It's a great platform for visibility, but as you've pointed out, there's a lot that goes into converting that visibility into tangible results. Engaging with the PH community reminds me of our journey with Knowlee. While we're passionate about our AI assistant that learns and adapts to user needs, it's the feedback and interactions with communities like Product Hunt that truly shape its evolution. It's less about the instant wins and more about the long game, understanding user needs, and iterating. Your point about product quality is especially resonant. An AI tool, a digital product, or any solution, for that matter, needs to add value consistently. Platforms like PH amplify our reach, but it's the product's impact that ensures longevity. Thanks for sharing your experience! It's a great reminder for all of us in the tech space. Keep innovating! 💡
    hayato onodera
    Good insight and you are absolutely right, what we learn through PH is important.
    Anthony Sellitto
    Have you done re-luanches when new features have come out?
    Shane Yan
    Thanks so much for sharing your experience! It's kind of a relief to hear that even a product ranked at #4 didn't necessarily translate into sales. I'm getting ready to launch my own product and have been worrying about the same thing. Even though the PH community is super friendly and dynamic, they may not be my true target audience. This makes me wonder: How can I best utilize PH resources to really connect with my ideal customers?