A free tool for finding 2,500+ investors for your startup πŸš€

Carl Lager
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Hey community! Since we at Gilion are working with growth capital for startups and collaborating with VCs during funding rounds, we wanted to map out potential partners and VCs across the globe a year ago πŸŒŽπŸ’° Faced with scattered information in spreadsheets and airtables, we realized quickly we should just build something ourselves. So we did. A comprehensive tool featuring 2,500 global investors, designed to provide an interactive way to navigate the VC landscape. We just re-designed it and made it even beter, the newly updated and improved VC-mapping for the startup community. Open for everyone to access. Soon more tools and features will be launched by us at Gilion. VC Investors tool: https://vc-mapping.gilion.com/ More tools like this will be launched alon gside our major platform release on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/products/gilion
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