A four-day work week: Is it worth it?

Lodovico Sella
11 replies
There is a debate to be made that modern technology has incredibly sped up the way we work and that the five-day week is no longer required. Whilst the five-day week used to be a superb model that got the most out of its workers, could a four-day workweek do the same? What do you think?


Jason Andries
I think it depends on how companies will look at the four-day model. If they reduce the work week to 32h/week I think it will definitely be beneficial. Employees will learn to be more productive because they get 'rewarded' with an extra day off. However, if they keep holding on to the 40h/week model, just spread over 4 days instead of 5 I don't think productivity will be increased because staying focussed for 10h/day is quite hard + it takes more time away to relax after work.
Anna Erst
It's my dream:D I think employees will be just as productive as when they have a 5-day week, but will feel so much better.
Kelly Donohue
Yeah definitely worth all.
Abhishek Shree
To cut the chances of frequent burnouts, yes!