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  • How often would you redesign your website?

    Cica-Laure Mbappé
    10 replies
    Hi makers! Two months ago, we launched keypup.io on Product Hunt to get beta testers. We built our first website with Wix App, then we moved to Webflow for a more personalised website. We changed the design 6 months ago. But today, as we are coming with new features and positioning, we thought that it was time to redesign the website. Is it too early? How often would you redesign your website? We almost finished the makeover of the website, and we ran a poll to help us to choose the best design. If you can spare us a minute to give us feedback, it would be great! Here's the 99Designs link: https://en.99designs.fr/contests/poll/ff0412e45b Thank you so much!


    Szymon Adamiak
    Once a year a minimum. Usually a bit more often, depends on time. If your traffic is substantial it's great to do some A/B testing as well.
    Cica-Laure Mbappé
    @sadamiak yes indeed, A/B testing is part of our strategy.
    Alejandro Cantarero
    I'd say redesign as often as you have time. We always seem to have a backlog of website improvements that we struggle to find the time to implement. If we had the time we'd be adding new pages and redesigning existing ones every month. I think Jason Lemkin over at SaaStr wrote a pretty good piece on this, "Your Marketing Site Really Should Be Even Better Than Your Product". https://www.saastr.com/your-mark...
    Cica-Laure Mbappé
    @alejandro_cantarero1 Thanks for sharing. I also do believe that if we can do it, we would improve our website everyday.
    Jijo Paul
    I would say its a continuous process , day by day we can improve the user experience.
    Harri Arain
    I do say don't do it more then 2 times a year.
    Harri Arain
    @harri_stapp Only focus on UI/UX changes.
    Just a small reminder, ur logo is too much like www.baidu.com, which may cause some trouble.
    Reed Jackson
    With anything like this, it's important to look at the data before undertaking a redesign. How much organic traffic are you converting to leads/sales with your site? How many dev hours did you spend on your last redesign? Maybe do a quick calculation to see you cost per qualified lead generated by your site. Does that number justify a redesign? Then think about tradeoffs. The money or time that you'd spend redesigning your site, would it be better spent (in terms of cost per lead) on a Google ad campaign? What about if you spent that time on a new product feature? For instance, I built a site for a company in 2016 which cost them around $40k. Flash forward to today – the site isn't as modern as their competitors, but they are generating 400 new leads a month, have a huge SEO advantage, and spend almost no time maintaining their site. They could cut another check to redesign, but that'd be more an exercise in vanity for them instead of a good business decision. This also depends on the scale of your redesign. If it's as simple as moving a few elements around or changing up the copy, then you should be testing that constantly. Luckily, Webflow makes that easy for you. If it's a big as upending your design system, you really need to look at the impact that could have to your business vs. the distraction it will extol on your organization. Hope this helps.