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  • Anyone here looked into NoCode, esp. @wearenocode?

    Catherine Crandall
    2 replies
    As a non-technical founder, I had teamed up with an engineer I'd known for a couple of years. We were even accepted into an Seattle incubator. The day before incubator kickoff, after working for 90 days on my app concept, my co-founder withdrew and refused to meet with me to discuss the matter. An investigation turned up the fact that his intention was to steal my idea - he'd already paid someone to develop a logo for him and had a live competing site. See? https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ak8_mGXlfQFkhPIZH5WfOmPojZ83kg I've spent time during covid isolation thinking about other things: decided to let it go, take care of myself and family, to re-visit my startup a few months down the road when I wasn't so upset by the betrayal. Did I even want to seek out another cofounder? Nocode sounds pretty interesting to me as a way to get an MVP out the door and test out the concept in the market. I genuinely recognize the value of a technical partner, but maybe I should just be in charge of my own destiny for the time being. If you've tried this and can share your experience, I'd sure appreciate it!


    Tripp Brockway
    We used Bubble.io for ours. It's got a learning curve, but once you master it, it's a powerful tool. We haven't hit any significant limitations. I'm happy we went this direction to build our MVP.
    Dervieux Benoît
    I would advise checking out Adalo, they look pretty serious, and they get better and better with time. They also have tutorials which are wonderful. Good luck !