Have you voted in the API Makers festival?
Aaron O'Leary
8 replies
Hi Makers! ICYMI we are running a Makers Festival all about the Product Hunt API.
We have lots of entries it's going to be so hard to pick our winners! Have you voted yet here? https://www.producthunt.com/makers-festival/product-hunt-api-2-0/voting
Tell me what your fave nominations are and why π
Dan Edwards@de
Product Hunt
@aaronoleary Love the Maker Goals Menubar by @feriforgacs, Makers App by @jpeguin1, Color Hunt by @mattrothenberg and produckhunt by @mrf - just a few of my faves!
Gift Hunt
@aaronoleary I may be biased but the Makers app is pretty cool!
@aaronoleary I think the Makers App can help me a lot as a new user here.
@aaronoleary Love playing Produckhunt by @mrf as a way of generating new ideas and getting surprised by existing ones.
And Color Hunt by @mattrothenberg because it's a nice way to browse products from a fresh perspective!
Ness Labs
@aaronoleary voted! So many cool ones. Love the creativity.