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  • Have you watched 'The Social Dilemma' on Netflix - thoughts?

    Mirko Maccarrone
    16 replies
    The Social Dilemma the new documentary exploring the impact of social networking will terrify you into deleting your social media accounts with some hard truths. 🤔 What do you think of it?


    Alex Papageorge
    I did! I liked it. Didn't love it, but liked it. For those of you looking to fill in a couple hours, not a bad way to spend your time glued to the 📺 The aspect of how SM companies target our close friends, family or relationships to help ignite a conversation to redirect your thinking is absolutely wild to me. Meaning, these companies aren't just targeting us (which we know), but the people close to us as well 👀
    Mirko Maccarrone
    @alex_papageorge Totally agree with you, that's explain how we are targeted with ads of product/service that our group of friends are buying/using {SCARY} This is why I started using more ethical browser rather than Chrome - you will have to give up on the extension though :(
    Kağan Taşkın
    I watched it a few days ago. Since the documentary producer is Netflix, there is no mention of Netflix when talking about "addictive social media". Everything mentioned there actually applies to Netflix. Second, after watching the documentary, I turned off all my notifications. Interestingly, I was very relieved. People find it difficult to reach me, but in general my phone usage has decreased and my mind has been relieved. What do you think?
    Mirko Maccarrone
    @kagantaskin Totally agree with you! Netflix is without doubt one of the most addictive tech giant out there but being the one producing it the show, of course there was no mention of them, as it would have been counterproductive. I've disable my notification a few years ago and stop using FB almost entirely. The next step would be to reduce the consumption of INSTA as the ads have over taken the platform entirely. If you notice, every 2 insta story there is an add and most of them are from kids selling you staff you don't need :)
    Lluís Ventura
    I think is a must-see. Especially interesting for teenagers if you have kids, and to have consciousness about the risk of addiction of social media tools and how they do to increase the screen time. As everything, being critical is key and there is no doubt they are game-changing tools. I use twitter, for example, to be up-to-date with tech and startups and it's incredible how close you can be to the people. That said, fake news or polarization it's not only on social networks and due to algorithms. Whatsapp is a great example, and it's caused by humans in our close environments.
    Mirko Maccarrone
    @lluis_m_ventura Totally agree with you! People should be aware about what's going behind the curtains :)
    David Barneda
    Worth watching for both consumers and makers. Liked the interviews best, and thought the actor reenactments and the visualization of "inside the app" a bit cheesy. If you want to dig a little more, you may enjoy Cal Newport's book, "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World"
    Mirko Maccarrone
    @barneda Thank you so much! The book looks amazing, just ordered! Thank you for the great tip man! P.S. So glad to hear that I am not the only one that think the reenactments was cheesy and somewhat extreme
    Zachary Green
    now i am concious of all the tricks facebook is pulling on me with their new update
    Sere P
    Working in tech you are aware of things however I do believe that nobody is an evil or wants to do it to harm anybody. In general, maybe the consequences and the danger caused by what Facebook did and has been doing aren't known to most people.
    Mirko Maccarrone
    @sere_p Totally agree with you on this, but even though it was unconscious 'at first' I don't think they have taken the necessary actions to limit the damage when needed
    Wealthy Spy
    This movie is a major step to save mankind. It should be aired on all schools. I am not kidding. Good job guys !