We now have 400 paying subscribers! 🎉
Alex Buran
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We're now on exactly 400 paying subscribers for ConveyThis!
It took us 364 days to reach the first 100 subscribers, and we've now gone from 100 to 400 in 120 days. We went from 300 to 400 subscribers in 15 days. Crazy and unbelievable! Thank you all for your support!
Here's what we added to the product over the last month:
Better neural translation engine. We replaced the cheaper and more outdated machine translation provider with a more up to date and more expensive neural machine translator. The result: +50% in translation quality at no cost increase to our users.
Better Glossary and Trademark consistency. This online tool allows website owners to instruct machine translators to pre-translate their reserved words such as Trademarks and Company names in the same way in every language. This way there will be no funny mistranslations or inconsistencies.
Many other minor changes such as WordPress 5.5 support, but fixes as described in our changelog.
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