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  • Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 20th of January)

    123 replies
    Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help.


    William Stringer
    Hi - I recently launched Chisos, which provides income and community resources to entrepreneurs. https://chisos.io/ We are looking for feedback on the income deal terms. Would this product appeal to entrepreneurs who may need supplemental income while they build their business? Why or why not?
    Last night I put up: https://spreadbase.io The app is for instant coworking for remote workers. Let me know what you think, I'd love to give you access and know your opinion if you're interested. Waiting for others to post, and help out.
    Lubomir Fotev
    @morajabi Seems a bit vague on what exactly it does / features
    @darksidezoo It's kinda intentional, but maybe it's _too_ vague! What did you think it is?
    Oliver Wolf
    @darksidezoo @morajabi I agree, its hard to get an idea what the product is about. Is it something like Screenhero?
    @darksidezoo @oliver_wolf Exactly! It's evolving to have full-on ambient status, async voice walkie, etc. I can give you access, give me your Twitter or email and I'll message you)
    Mathieu Fosse
    @morajabi That looks great! I'm looking for new tools like this to help me working remotely with my teammate. Is it only for developers?
    Benoit Dessaucy
    Hi. I've launched the Smart Guest browser extension on Firefox and Chrome : https://smartguest.club. It helps you to compare prices between Booking.com and the website of the hotel itself. Let me know what do you think about about !
    Lubomir Fotev
    We just launched Parrity Parrity is a learning platform that allows you to learn from successful entrepreneurs & brands. Use it to tap into the mind of the most brilliant marketers, designers, salespeople, product makers on the planet and learn in different formats. Looking to grow our beta users for our open beta & feedback.
    Walid Shaar
    @darksidezoo This platform is simply amazing, particularly because it is something that we look for and can't easily find. If you achieve getting the big players to join, this platform is going to be big I feel like!
    Lubomir Fotev
    @walid_shaar Thank you for the good words! Appreciate it. What's a big player for you? Who do you want to learn from? We're really excited to ask the community who to approach first. You can join our telegram here and let us know - https://t.me/parrity
    @darksidezoo Looks great, I've joined in, I think interviews would be a great addition as people in the community will relate to struggles some individuals went through, that they are going through and what they did to overcome and they can learn form that and things like marketing, revenue etc, it could be just text based interviews
    Lluís Ventura
    Hi all and thank you @abadesi for this thread! Excited to open our preview release of Comeet (https://www.comeet.me). We know how frustrating is to feel that there are too many unproductive meetings during your week. Up until now, GCalendar helped your team meet. Now, with Comeet, transform your calendar into the place where team decisions and actions are clear, meaning everyone knows what to do and when. Each time you meet, you can seamlessly share meeting outcomes, meaning agreements are clear and TO-DOs are not forgotten. Your feedback is very welcomed! I wish you productive meetings!
    Walid Shaar
    @abadesi @lluis_m_ventura There are tons of calendar task management apps. What makes yours stand out?
    Lluís Ventura
    Good question @walid_shaar! What Comeet does is to create a shared space with the participants of each meeting you have. So it allows you to sync seamlessly everyone after each meeting with decisions and To-Dos and keep track of them,... Additionally, it detects meeting without an agenda and allows you to provide quick feedback after each meeting. Effective meetings is our obsession!
    Oliver Wolf
    Hi. I've recently rebuild the website for https://www.monsterwriter.app/. I'm curious what you think. Any suggestions?
    @oliver_wolf It's creative! Good work. Nitpick: Have you tried centering images, or pushing all the way to the side of the text content? the layout looks a tiny bit untidy in a first look.
    @oliver_wolf Great idea and product, I think you can also try and approach an angle for E-book writers somewhere in the description, which I think would be appealing to such a user base, for the landing page, I think you should maybe try a more minimalistic modern approach, I think it might help to increase conversions, you can use services such as https://designmodo.com/startup which you can always modify and are fully responsive
    Walid Shaar
    @oliver_wolf Love the idea & the website looks slick. However, this is clearly tailored to more experienced Blog Writers / editors etc. The hard specific terms used and the bombarding of wording, personally, makes the objective and features unclear. Love the logo btw!
    Oliver Wolf
    @burkthedesigner Happy you like the screenshots, what do you think about the general idea?
    Svend Court-Payen
    Hi all - this is Arthur, Victor & Svend from Once 👋 Our webapp lets you create IG-like stories you can share anywhere as a URL 🤳 Our targets are marketers, growth hackers, CS & HR professionals looking for a mobile-first interactive content to engage their audience. We designed a short intro story for you guys - it will give you a concrete idea of what we are up to! It would be amazing to have your blunt honest feedback on it 🤓 👉 https://beta.once.app/play/ck5mc...
    @svend_court_payen Awesome, great idea, this might be something you're working on already but I think it would be great if you could have action buttons to pause / play a story and also pause when performing an action like sliding an icon
    Svend Court-Payen
    @victor_karanja Thanks for the feedback :) In the next version to be released on PH, we kept the timer for mobile view but removed it on desktop view - I'll keep in mind that a pause/play button on the mobile view would be useful!
    Svend Court-Payen
    @walid_shaar Great 👌 We'll go for a freemium business model but still have a lot to figure out regarding monetization! What do you have in mind?
    Hey there - I had this idea about 4 years ago but never got around to doing anything with it until this weekend. I wanted to checkout Glide so here it is - a simple app to tell you about upcoming console games and the ability to order/pre-order them in the US/UK and leave comments because everyone loves comments Let me know what you all think - cheeyars https://8dule.app
    Walid Shaar
    @budgefrownie Seems interesting, its always going to be free to use though right?
    @walid_shaar oh yeah for sure - all this information is publicly available - I just wanted an easy reference, non bloated way of keeping people up to date and if people want to share their thoughts on an upcoming release, nice!
    İren Saltalı
    Hi, We are going to launch our product in Product Hunt next week. It would be great if anyone share feedback about our product. https://image4.io/en Image4io is a full stack image management solution, enables users to quickly upload media on any scale in any format via APIs or web application, Store large amounts of images privately and securely, Transform images on the fly to responsibly fit any design on any device, Dynamically resize, crop, add watermarks and more. And also leverages a premium worldwide content delivery network ensuring optimized images are delivered quickly in any location. Thank you.
    Walid Shaar
    @irensaltali Seems lovely. Providing help for companies that don't have experienced coders and Web designers. Solution to an existing problem for sure. It all depends on your pricing now :)
    İren Saltalı
    @walid_shaar Thaks for your comments. We are providing one of the lowest pricing for now :) But unlike pricing we are also providing high level of performance and SLA.
    Oliver Wolf
    @irensaltali I was curious and wanted to singup, but it seems i directly forgotten my password. Does the reset function work? i do not get an email.
    İren Saltalı
    @oliver_wolf Sorry about the situation. It has been an error. Can you try again now? And we love to hear your feedback.
    Jana Cagorovic
    Hey, I'm already working on the new project for the https://sales.rocks platform. We now have the Technology stack ready! It's a filter on the platform that reveals all of the web-technologies used by a company. https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Feel free to join and let me know if you find it useful...and for what? ;)
    Artem Galenko
    Hi producthunters! I want to share DueFocus: https://www.producthunt.com/post...# DueFocus is a comprehensive time tracking software powered by machine learning that fully analyzes your workflow and how you are focused on work in real-time. The app helps to control distractions, delve into deep work, and provides personal metrics of efficiency and productivity based on data. The software has a two-way API integration with 30+ project management tools such as Jira, GItlab, Github, Trello, Asana, Todoist, etc. DueFocus is made both for self-management and teams. It helps you at first to analyze how productively you spend your time. How much time you spend on work, communication, entertainment etc. and then based on the data, we will classify all roles according to Deep Work Scheduling Philosophy (Monastic/Bimodal/Rhythmic/Journalistic) to accurately identify the most effective periods for each person and the best time of interaction for teams. Also, we will determine the appropriate type of workload for each role. I would love to hear feedback and want to notice that DueFocus is free
    Walid Shaar
    @unrealartemg with the 100s of existing Apps like this, what makes your product different ?
    Artem Galenko
    @walid_shaar thanks for the question. First of all, it is our focus feature. This feature helps to analyze not just how you spent your time but how attentive you were during the day. Find out what distracted you during the day, what switches were productive or not. The second, we have 25+ integrations with the most famous project management tools, the third, you can track time in different ways, with a single click(cold start feature), manually, against tasks in DueFocus task tracking system, against tasks from your pm tool. And so on ...
    Ziyad Basheer
    Launched https://www.producthunt.com/post... today, it's a community for startup founders that need to research incorporation and immigration options. I'm keen to hear any thoughts or feedback!
    Mohd Danish
    Last week I ship my first NoCode tool to quickly build third-party applications APIs. https://nocodeapi.com It was a great launch. Let me know if you have any questions?
    Fu Fei
    Hey all! We just redid the homepage for https://www.product-lens.com Its an app for the Shopify app store. Hopefully the value proposition with be clearer. Any feedback?
    Chris Germano
    Launched GrassCatcher today (https://www.producthunt.com/post...), a fun real-life loot box meant to "connect buyers with nature" or be a unique joke gift for friends. While there's only minimal effort planned, we'd like to hear what directions you'd take this, given the existing foundation. Go crazier with product options? Different tiers of packages? Switch to a fully-serious message and focus on quality package options? Interested where others would find themselves at this curious intersection.
    Michele Michelassi
    Hi Makers, on January 11 I posted my very first Chrome Extension https://www.producthunt.com/post... for Airbnb. It allows Airbnb users to refine search with advanced filters that built-in search doesn't show (ie check-in/out time, cancellation policy, weekly/monthly discounts... etc). As a bonus, you can sort results by price, rating or name, and get listing & host info while hovering with mouse. Hope you'll find it useful and feel free to let me know your feedbacks, thank you! Michele
    Sterling Freeman
    Looking for beta users for next month https://www.producthunt.com/upco... The iOS app is a social, health and fitness diary driven by user-generated content. I want to enable anyone to make, track, and share health and fitness progress with friends and family. If that seems like something you'd be into, please subscribe to the upcoming page and I'll send out the download link sometime next month.
    Drew Falkman
    We just added ASRP Money Map last week. It’s an app that has the ambition of being a neutral source to help people (of all ages but focused on 40+) with financial issues that aren’t met in current SaaS applications. The key focus at current is to help people who are dealing with the crisis of having a bill that puts them over the edge into having to make difficult decisions that could significantly affect their financial future. thanks for sharing and commenting: AARP Money Map™
    Jonathan Berkey
    Hey all, I have an iOS app that lets users create and join shared photo albums that are only discoverable at a location and during a specific frame of time. One big use case is events, but there are lot of applications for individual users...eg. weekend trips, parties, workshops, etc. Would love some feedback. I am currently working on a new on boarding which I hope to release in the next week. You can download the app on the App Store here https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fl... Cheers!
    Razmik Avetisyan
    Hello everyone 👋 We've recently launched W3Rated, website ranking and credibility tool. It allows to report inaccurate and misleading content or a webpage, as well as express your trust and satisfaction about a particular website just in a few clicks. I am looking forward to beta users. Also please let me know what do you think.