What's your view on AI?
Hi everyone,
For the last months I've documented/educated myself on AI and I believe it has a great potential to transform our lives for the better. However, it can also lead to a dystopian future where surveillance is the norm because we've chosen protection at the expense of privacy - something that's happening pretty much right now in China.
AI can be used in almost every industry which will eventually lead to the disappearance of some jobs but in the same time to the creation of new jobs - which will be most likely data related because nowadays everything it's about data.
Seeing the unfortunate wildfires from Australia I started to think how AI could help in the future prevent these kind of situations. Maybe we can train an AI with satellite and/or drone images of the forests to detect as early as possible when there is a danger of starting a fire and alert the authorities.
What do you think about the effect AI will have on our lives?
Do you see a bright or a more dark future?
Curious to hear your thoughts.
P.S. I wrote an article on Medium about why I think AI is the new electricity. If you're interested in the subject you can read it here: https://medium.com/@RautaAlin/why-ai-is-the-new-electricity-b373039661bd
Later edit: I also created a youtube channel "AI For Anyone" and posted a video with a summary of the blog post for those who like visual content more: https://youtu.be/hwJVhS9oPLE
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