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  • What is the best service to get feedbacks from your customers and why?

    Vlad Zaev
    7 replies
    Hey everyone, if you are a local business owner what kind of product do you use to get feedbacks from your clients? And what is the best option of it you can mention?


    John Yeung
    Can't speak for all types of local businesses, but for businesses that have a formal recurring relationship with the customers (e.g. martial arts gyms/academies), many have a direct communication channel with the customers - both in person, and digitally (emails, WhatsApp groups, etc.)
    Samuel Paul
    As a customer buying a product I try to search on the net if the product has some reviews e.g on google reviews, also there might be some local websites where the product might be listed with reviews which can help.
    Marie Serradori
    Having worked with some small local business owners, I would say they almost always start with Google reviews, considering it's free for them and improve SEO at the same time. One of the main setbacks they usually face when growing is the lack of "verified" reviews (for instance they often had to answer to people mistaking one business with another).
    Vlad Zaev
    Thanks for answers! Samuel, Marie, I meant a little bit different. Lets say, you are a local business owner. What product would you use to get a feedback from your customer. The question is not about waiting for the customer decides to leave it somewhere (Google, Yelp, etc), but directrly ask him for the feedback for your business.
    Deepak Joshi
    I am making a platform to make and conduct polls. You can use it for customer feedback I guess. Its available at www.overpoll.com . Good luck.
    Samuel Paul
    Survey would be an option, you might have to offer your product for free and then motivate the user to leave a feedback. Not too sure of any products out there which do something like this.