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  • Giving away free landing page feedback videos

    Ryan Wilson
    56 replies
    Someone made a video of them visiting my landing page and talking through what they were thinking. It's really hard to understand what it's like to land on your landing page as someone with no clue what it is because we are so wrapped up in building our own products. I found that feedback so incredibly helpful I want to do it for others! Reply here with your landing page URL and I'll share a loom video of myself talking through landing on your landing page for the first time.


    GabrielΔ— JusaitytΔ—
    Thanks @ryan_wilson6 πŸ™ I was planning to adjust the copy on our landing page, so it's nice to get another perspective πŸ˜‡ P.S. As for the App store preview - I noticed they didn't make it intuitive enough that you can slide through screenshots (there are few more that explains 'data combinations' πŸ˜…)
    Ryan Wilson
    @gabriele_jusaityte Great! I'm glad my perspective was helpful. Oh yeah, I didn't even realize there were more there. Perhaps on a iPhone that would be a bit more clear
    Deepak Joshi
    @ryan_wilson6 Thank you buddy. This was very helpful. For the first time, I was seeing the page from someone else's perspective. It made me realize so many shortcomings of it.
    Ryan Wilson
    @deepak_positive I'm glad it was helpful! It's so great to hear it from someone else's perspective
    James Skarzynski
    @ryan_wilson6 By the way, is there anything you're working on that you'd like me to do the same for? I'd be happy to reciprocate.
    Ryan Wilson
    @jamesskarzynski You're welcome! Happy to help :) I get what you mean about ConverKit's forms not being totally customizable, especially about the callbacks. I kinda figured MailChimp and Constant Contact were the bigger players since that's who chose to cover first. I actually used to use https://statickit.com for form submissions. It integrates as a react hook, so you can do literally anything with the submission and have access to the full form data. It could be set up with an action to tag the email address in convertkit using the API. I recently started switching back to ConvertKit Forms because while StaticKit was super easy to integrate with, it didn't make use of ConvertKit's confirm email address feature. It just auto-confirmed them and applied a tag. Convertkit has six templates to choose from now for a form submission. They have blocks that you can add and delete, but you can't really customize the styles. They do have a reCaptcha integration now but it's off by default I believe. They also offer different options for what happens to the form after a visitor submits an email address. Upon submission, you can have it open a link in a new tab, this is where you could make a check your email page, as well as the default option now which replaces the email input with some customizable text that has a green background to tell the person it was a success and to check their email. After that, I think they can use cookies if you want, to either hide the form, or change the text on subsequent visits. I don't like having cookie warnings so I don't do anything that requires cookies. Oh, they also recently improved the embed script so there's no nasty HTML to work with and try to translate to JSX. To be totally honest, I'm completely happy with ConvertKit submission forms at the moment. They're a first-class citizen of the product and they are customizable enough for my use case. I've tried the more customizable way of using StaticKit and it's actually just so much easier to just use the Converkit forms. Feel free to ask for any more details that may be helpful to know! As for what I'm working on, can I follow up with you in two days? I just got a round of feedback on my current designs and want to make a lot of the obvious updates before getting more.
    James Skarzynski
    @ryan_wilson6 Thanks! It's great (for everyone but me) that ConvertKit gives such good features. Personally, I only have experience with MailChimp, who absolutely does not help you out like that. You can send me an email at newsletterfyco@gmail.com whenever youre ready for dfeedback!
    Ryan Wilson
    @jamesskarzynski I think you're still in a great spot if MailChimp doesn't allow that customization. ConvertKit, with all of it's features, is a bit more expensive and someone just making a newsletter probably won't want to pay for it. I'll reach out soon!
    Rogerio Taques
    Hey Ryan, Now you've mentioned, it sounds like incredibly obvious, but most people (including myself) have never thought about that! I'd love to have your feedback about https://mailshld.com. Thanks in advance!
    Ryan Wilson
    @rogeriotaques Right on. It's so good to have outside people just review it :) Here you are! https://www.loom.com/share/a51c8...
    Rogerio Taques
    @ryan_wilson6 thanks a lot! Your review gave me a lot of good insights and hopefully will help the product with a revamp in the LP. Let me know if I can pay you back with a review too. ;)
    Ryan Wilson
    @rogeriotaques Hey! I published a new version of https://tidyworkspace.com Could you check it out and let me know any feedback? Text feedback is fine if it's easier than loom.
    Rogerio Taques
    Hey @ryan_wilson6 ! That's great, man. Good job. I'll provide you my written feedback coz it'll be easier now, so I don't keep you waiting too much! 😊 I liked a lot the simplicity of your new LP. Very straight to the point and concise. Definitely loved the way you presented the (animated) gifs alongside the titles, which completely removed the need for additional explanations. I've only missed an easier way to contact you and get support. Perhaps it would be nice if you add to the navbar a link to your Twitter, that can make easier for people to get in touch with you. Perhaps, you can use Gitter (with sidecar) instead that creates an open channel for support purposes.
    Ryan Wilson
    @rogeriotaques Great feedback! Thank you! I'll definitely add something like that to make it easier to get in touch. I haven't heard of Gitter or sidecar, I'll check them out!
    That's a great idea and very nice of you! No sure if you're still doing it by just trying my luck πŸ™ : www.mycalorieassistant.com And 100% agree with you. I've already done this with friends, I was shocked to see how they misunderstood things that seemed so obvious to me (because I was in my own product bubble). Thanks!
    @ryan_wilson6 Wow thank you so much, this was really interesting and helpful! It's crazy that I forgot to include a customer problem section at the top, will definitely add that! And agree with you on the FAQ. Also interesting to see that the pricing confused you. Tbh I'm not sure what to do with this, I don't even have a company setup for now so I don't really plan on charging people in 2 weeks, all I want is to test my MVP and see if my users come back (I launched my beta today). But I also want them to know that this won't be free forever, there are real people doing the work behind and at some point they'll have to pay (and probably not 1 or 2$/month, something closer to 30$). And relieved that you didn't think it was a bot :) I know it says it pretty clearly but I have friends who thought it was a bot when going through that same version of the page! Thanks a lot for this feedback, that was very helpful!!
    Ryan Wilson
    @sof Awesome! I'm glad it was so helpful :) My recommendation around the pricing would just be to not have the strikethrough. You definitely want to communicate that it's going to be a paid thing. But the strikethrough without another number makes me think it's totally free. I also think that for now, where you're just getting people to use and developing the beta, most of your customers are going to be early people that you talk to in direct messages and stuff so you'll be able to communicate the goals more clearly through a conversation so don't worry too much about convincing them from the landing page. Just make it clear and beautiful :)
    @ryan_wilson6 Thanks. You're right, no price will make people think it's free, which is not my message. I agree with you but I'm trying to avoid having users I personally know because I feel that people will use the service just to make me feel better and won't give me accurate feedback to protect my feeelings. I'm running an advertising campaign to get users I don't know at all - I feel their feedback will be much more insightful. That's why I'm trying to perfect that landing page to increase my conversion rate
    Ryan Wilson
    @sof Totally understand not wanting users you personally know. By "people you talk to in direct messages" I mean connect with people on the internet! Make posts on message boards like Reddit, ask questions like "how do track calories?", "how do you get over churning from myfitnesspal", stuff like that. Tell them that you're building something that makes it way easier. Try not to come across as spammy or like you have an ulterior motive. Be clear and up front. At some point you'll connect with someone and then you can start direct messaging with them. Even if they don't agree to try out your product, you'll probably have a good conversation with them. Best of all this strategy is free. It just takes some effort to really connect with people. Trying to get people through an ad campaign is valuable, too. It can just get pretty expensive since you pay for clicks and not conversions.
    @ryan_wilson6 You're right, that's what I'm also trying to do. I just wish I started earlier getting in those communities (including product hunt), like you said the last thing you want is come across as spammy, which is difficult when you just signed up a few days ago and have 5 messages under your belt πŸ˜‚
    Ryan Wilson
    @jessicaj38 You're welcome! Here you go: https://www.loom.com/share/54bca... (Not sure if it picked up in the video but my dogs barked in the background 😊 )
    Jessica Thomas
    @ryan_wilson6 Thank you! This is amazing feedback. I had been wondering if I was better putting the pricing on the home page : ) So appreciative of some fresh eyes over it.
    Ryan Wilson
    @jessicaj38 You're welcome! Glad it was helpful :)
    Eric Harris
    Detexian.com and ill pass along the same for others. Good call here.
    Ryan Solomon
    @ryan_wilson6 Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll make sure we fix those. Also, Entre is pronounced (On-Truh) like entrepreneur, but totally understandable to read it as entre (on-tray) as we get that a lot. Then we are open to all types of entrepreneurs! Whether it's a tech startup or a mom and pop shop. We want to build the largest and most streamlined community for entrepreneurs.
    Ryan Wilson
    @ryan_s5 You're welcome! Gotcha! Sorry about that. If I had heard someone say it I would have understood. I was in the generation that had to learn phonics growing up so that's how I read, haha. Good to know! I think on your landing page you could say that. Maybe add a section that elaborates it's for every type of entrepreneur, big, small, funded, bootstrapped. I think that would help people of different types feel more included.
    Alex Arevalo
    @ryan_wilson6 Hey thanks so much for taking the time, really useful stuff and appreciate the feedback. Definitely taking some of these things back to the drawing board.
    Ryan Wilson
    @alex_arevalo You're welcome! Glad to help :) If you want me to check it out again after you make changes just reach out!