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  • ➡️ 5 types of products (people buy)

    Gordana Laskovic
    3 replies
    The 5 types of products people buy: 1. This solves my pain 2. This connects me to community 3. This makes my life easier 4. This feels luxurious 5. This will make me more money Would you add something else?


    Angeli Zhao
    Flamme AI - The Couples App
    Amazing sum up! This breaks down what people need v. want
    Janet Granger
    No, this sums up a lot. And #1 really is solving pain - a have to have vs. nice to have. People want to buy aspirine, not vitamins.
    Madeleine Lamou
    Great summary! I'd also add fun/entertainment as a separate category, though I guess technically it falls into the first 3.