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  • πŸ‘€ 5 tips on how to make your posts exceptionally interesting to read

    In yesterday's discussion, Priyanka Saini asked this question. πŸ’‘ And these 5 things came to my mind: 1) Attention-grabbing title 2) Short text (paragraphs with 2 or 3 lines) 3) Subtle use of emojis 4) Incorporating visual materials (images, videos) 5) Playing with text (rhetorical questions, inventing your own words) What else makes the post interesting?


    Han Kim
    Launching soon!
    I think "1. Attention-grabbing Title" has an outsized impact
    Udaya Sri
    If I had to add one more tip, it would be to stay consistent with your content. Posting regularly helps your content get noticed more often and keeps your audience engaged.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @udaya_sri Gold answer. πŸ₯‡ (Give that man a medal!) πŸ˜€ The more people see you, the more likely to remember you and engage with you! πŸ™‚
    Udaya Sri
    @busmark_w_nika haha! Thank you, this would be my first virtual medalπŸ˜…
    Casper Brix
    Good points (as always) Thanks for sharing, Nika!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @casper_brix Casper, thank you so much for your support :) It is always a pleasure to see you there. :)
    Aksara Kahfi
    Short, concise, clear, safe, reliable
    Perhaps, I think it also has something to do with the hot topic that's been on everyone's mind lately.
    Katia Yakovleva
    always cool discussions :) Love it
    Deluar Hosain
    Cool, ideas.Thanks!
    Natalia Cebotari
    I would add as a starting points that posts should be interesting for your specific audience and before writing you should know your audience, their pains and gains and build your content strategy from there. It's makes so much easier to generate content when you know your readers, watchers and listeners.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @natalia_cebotari_osmos Right points Natalia. :) It is much easier to customise content when you know whom to speak to. :)
    Jack Lipsky
    @natalia_cebotari_osmos @busmark_w_nika This!!! To add on, I'd say it's perfectly acceptable to have a target audience you tailor your content to. Some people want their message to reach everyone, even if it isn't necessarily *for* everyone. But in doing so, their message becomes so broad that what they're trying to convey gets lost in a sea of vagueness and reaches no one.
    Tatiana Voropaeva
    Thanks for bringing up this topic πŸ™‚ You mentioned a list of good ideas. From my side, I'd like to highlight another essential factor that should be considered first: the goal (or value) of a post. What impact should it have on the reader? What emotions or actions do you want to evoke during or after they read the post? By considering a clear goal for your future post, you can then easily prepare the rest of the content based on your list and make your post more relevant and interesting to your audience πŸš€
    Tatiana Voropaeva
    Another idea that came to my mind is to use cognitive biases. This is very powerful in some cases, of course, if you use them ethically. For example, the framing effect. What do you think generally about cognitive biases in marketing?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @tanyavrpv I Agree with what you said. In general: Psychology in marketing is like 90%. When you know how to grip it, it will be much easier :)
    Alex Bilytskyi
    In addition to the elements you’ve listed, making a post interesting can also involve engaging storytelling, interactive elements like polls or quizzes, valuable insights such as useful tips or expert advice, and personalization to connect more deeply with your audience.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @alex_amploo this could be (polls) a good format for a newsletter as well. It is available on Substack as well.
    Shakira Azzahra
    Just bring up a topic that is currently viral
    Nayra Alifa
    Bringing up viral topics
    Bira Jung
    Nice string of words
    Nicholas Wolf
    Very helpful for me. Thanks. πŸ‘
    Cakra Narendra
    Cool visuals and attractive appearance
    Umer Ronaldo
    Here are five tips to make your posts exceptionally interesting to read: 1. Start with a Hook: Capture attention with a compelling opening sentence or question. A strong hook encourages readers to continue. 2. Tell a Story: Weave your information into a narrative. Stories engage readers and make your content more relatable and memorable. 3. Use Engaging Visuals: Incorporate images, infographics, or videos to break up text and add visual interest. Visuals can also help illustrate key points https://gowelllive.com/. 4. Keep it Concise and Clear: Use short paragraphs and clear language. Avoid jargon and complex sentences to ensure your message is easy to understand. 5. Include Interactive Elements: Add polls, questions, or calls-to-action to encourage reader interaction and make your post more engaging.
    Kacy Boone ❇️
    I love the meta point that this post *itself* is ranking high on the discussion boards. Bravo!
    Adding a personal touch, engaging storytelling, and including interactive elements like polls or questions can also make your posts incredibly captivating.
    Milli Sen
    Definitely. Also make it less obvious that it was Chat GPT generated.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @millisen Haha, I like how you work with it! :D Still having help from GPT but more Humanize it. TBH, I try to use it as little as possible for interpersonal communication. For ideas or facts – Yes. For interaction with people – rather not.