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  • My landing page are drive me CRAZY, can you give some feedback?

    Rick Somar
    13 replies
    Ok, here it is: https://biteplay.com *Not running yet* Some people have said that is very effective and others did not understand the product. Please, if you have something to share i would appreciatte that. Thank you sooo much.


    girish wadhwani
    I did find it a bit confusing. I had to connect some dots to figure out what the product does. I am also left with the question - how do I know this is better than Youtube's targeting. Also, I would get to the point quicker in the explainer video
    girish wadhwani
    @henriquechappuis You could add a "how it works" section
    Rick Somar
    @girish_w Great feedback, thank you so much! I'm working on add this to make better understandings 'WHY, HOW, WHAT' sections. What do you think i can implement to improve it? -> What product does -> How this is better than Youtube Those are the weakness poitns in your opinion?
    girish wadhwani
    @henriquechappuis I would use a clearer headline like "Improve your Youtube ad targeting". I would get to the point in the video quicker - remove distractions like talk of cats and how everyone watches video. People already know that. Do you have any data on improved ROI or other metrics vs Youtube targeting?
    Giorgio Groß
    Well at the first impression it looks pretty clean; especially the first screen (just the headline, video and trial button). But when I scroll down I get distracted by a lot of things at the same time: You have a lot go gifs; my eye is attracted to everything that moves when I'm looking at an otherwise static page. As there is everywhere something moving I don't know where you want me to look next. Plus, you could leverage your layout to guide which path my view takes (e.g. where I look first, or where I look second, when should I scroll down, ...) "Do not let youtube decide what’s best for you." -> Why is that bad? I thought YouTube has a good algorithm, what do you do better and why should I worry? What will I miss when I don't use your product? These are questions you may answer on your site. Also, I think it's a bit too long, not sure how far someone scrolls down. Maybe you can focus more on the killer points why people should care. I like the referral at the bottom though, maybe you can push that a bit to the top? Hope that helps :)
    Rick Somar
    @giorgio_gross Wow, thank man, it was very helpful! Yeah, we've lot of gifs indeed, do you think that less gifs would be less distractive? I'll take a note of that and try to fix it. "Do not let youtube decide what's best for you": - Youtube will show your ad in not relevante places if you don't know how to do it. So our app try to fix this problem by given to the user a powerfull way to choose exactly in which videos your ad will shows. "I like the referral at the bottom though" Which one? Sorry to ask, but you mean the screenshot of the app?
    Giorgio Groß
    @henrique_chappuis_ramos I don't think gifs are bad, just saying use them wisely :) For example, you might show one information at a time and underline it with a gif instead of showing three features and three gifs at the same time. Ahh I see. Now that would certainly catch my attention. Is there any way you can make people actually "feel" that they loose bare money by not going with your solution? I'm just brainstorming here, maybe you can come up with some nice visuals or so.. I meant that post from one of your users who is referring the product and showing his positive experience (way down at the bottom)
    Rick Somar
    @giorgio_gross Definitely got it :D i'm little addicted to gifs, as you see hahaha i tryed to put those gifs cuz it matchs with our brand video and style, but you touch a great point! It might discract the users of informations. In the section 'Context is Everything' i tried to add this visual content to make this as an intuitive understandment about what we done. I've noted every steps that you sayed, i'll make this adjustments as soon as possible. Thanks again! Can i send you an update when its done? Would you mind? :D
    Steffen Karcher
    I noticed many different calls to action. Create account, get free trial, get started now, watch training. This was kind of confusing for me. Why don't you just focus on one? Maybe this will make it easier for a visitor to understand where he should go next.
    Rick Somar
    @stefferino This call to action is formated to users in everystep on the funnel, most of people doesn't know how youtube ads works, facebook ads is where all people goes first. Btw, i think that you're right. Maybe i can take off some CTA's for the training and let just only button for that.
    Jana Cagorovic
    @henrique_chappuis_ramos I believe it's a bit too long for a landing page. When you first land up on the page and scroll down, you get all the info you need by the time you get to the 3rd section (including the CTA). I would just split it up into 2 pages and make the second one as resource page. Looks clean and attracts the attention with all the gif in same brand voice. 👍
    Rick Somar
    @jana_c Thanks Jana! I'll try figure out how to break it in more pages. To be honestly i'm kind of lost in what is the main points and what's the secondary content to break it. You think i should have to add a resource menu with which kind of content?