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  • Which is the best place to get first users? (Web app for marketing)

    Rick Somar
    16 replies


    IndieHackers is pretty good. There are also specific listing websites like Betapage and Betalist, etc.
    Wilson Bright
    I used Reddit, PH, FB Groups and IndieHackers for getting feedback and first time users.
    Rick Somar
    @wilsonbright never used IndiHackers before, what is the type of traffic out there?
    Wilson Bright
    @henrique_chappuis_ramos Its good. Lot of great discussion and feedback out there. https://www.indiehackers.com/
    Christian Langenberg
    @wilsonbright How can you get the feedback from Reddit?
    Felipe Almeida
    @christian_langenberg @wilsonbright Were the feedbacks qualified? I thought about using redditors feedback but wasn't really trusting the quality.
    José Moré
    For mobile games and apps Beta Family has an awesome community
    Jose Montaro
    Google Store. If we are talking about mobile games always Ithing about Steam.
    John Bauer
    indie hackers, facebook groups, linkedin groups, reddit, quora