Cool idea! Found it pretty complicated with the pattern usage. Wasn’t sure how pattern played a role? I know there was a step by step guide but I went thru it pretty fast :)
Seems like a great idea. The site is clear and easy to understand. 2 main issues - 1) I'm an Android user. What you got against Android users? :) 2) Try not to have your entire site using a black background. Black backgrounds are more of a strain on the eye. Also, printing is unpredictable, some browsers will show an empty page (because the font is white). Other than those 2 issues good site.
@dj_ross , thanks for feedback! I have nothing against Android, except than I'm an iOS dev :) And about black background on the website - trying to figure something out with it.
@endore8 I understand, there is so much technology and so little time to learn it all. I'm curious to know what language or tools do you use to develop iOS apps? I have been looking at Xamarin. My understanding is that it lets you develop for Android and iOS. To develop for iOS I believe you will need to have a Mac to compile, which you probably already have because you develop iOS apps.
@shamanthsuresh It's anonymous and stored only on the device and in a private iCloud container if enabled. This is described in the Privacy Policy too. Let me know if you have more questions.
Usage for Mac
Usage for Mac
Usage for Mac