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  • What kind of newsletter is more valuable & worth reading to you?

    Christine Zhu
    10 replies
    Hi Makers, I’m curious how everyone prefers to discover and consume readings. We all have a million tabs open in our browser, so what do you expect or what type of content would be most useful to you to subscribe to another newsletter? Thanks! Christine


    Maxwell Asper
    I'm the opposite of @Shovon - if it's a short read, I like having the main points summarized. If it's a longer read, then I rather take the time to actually read it.
    Maxwell Asper
    @shovon @christinezhu I'm lucky to be part of a great team of writers at Phlywheel, so I read a lot of their articles on marketing! I also trust and read articles from HubSpot, SproutSocial, and Forget the Funnel. Outside of marketing, I follow a lot of outlets on Instagram/Twitter.
    Christine Zhu
    @shovon @maxwell_asper that's interesting, so it's on either ends of the spectrum. Where/what channels do you find great articles from?
    Zachary Green
    @maxwell_asper Forget the Funnel? I recently attended a Q&A hosted by Georgiana Laudi from there! She had all sorts of interesting things to say about the scenarios SAAS companies are finding themselves in during the pandemic. What sorts of articles have you read?
    Generally depends on the genre. If it is though provoking, a long read but if it's something like, daily top products on product hunt, 1-3 sentence tldr
    Zachary Green
    I don't mind as long as it's high quality information in a consumable format. Although, I find newsletters with curated links of interesting articles to be most valuable to me. Before, I would have had to search the web endlessly to find awesome stuff. Now, I can have them delivered to me all in one package. Amazing!
    Christine Zhu
    @zachary_green2 That's true! Where do you usually go to find the goods? Twitter? Bookmarks of fav websites/blogs?
    Zachary Green
    @christinezhu I'll let you in on a secret....Pocket's newsletter has all the good stuff. Super high quality. Have you heard of it?
    Christine Zhu
    @zachary_green2 Looks cool, will give it a try. I check Morning Brew for daily, No Mercy No Mallice for Fridays, Benedict Evans on Mondays