34 Day Streak 🔥 Emoji

Bertha Kgokong
23 replies
I was curious to find out if we were going to go through all the emojis for the daily streak, I was actually getting excited to see the new emoji of the day, but seems like the 🔥 is the last one in the list, since I have been seeing it for the last couple of days. Any thoughts?


Calum Webb
Love this idea! Will be sure to share with the team 😸
Andrii Kpyto
Still on day 30 🚀
Michael Yagudaev
There are 3️⃣6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ emojis and more being added each year. So technically, we can keep this streak running for 10 years 🤣
Michael Silber
We have some ideas brewing for how we can celebrate our biggest fans. Stay tuned while we inject some more magic 🪄
Evelina Radoycheva
I'm on day 9 and I'm determined to get to the last one this time. On Sunday I completely forgot. It was 11:53 pm when I realized I didn't check 🤦 Grabbed my phone only to realize I was signed out and I couldn't remember my password 🤦🤦 I had to request a new password to log in. But found a very useful tool. Such a clever idea from the Product Hunt team 👍
Olivia Bridges
And 🍭 is mine for the 16th day of the streak.
Sam Kamrani
8 days, aiming for 172 more!
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
Brief on Demand by Amy
WOW, a 34-day streak is quite impressive!
Alina Ihnatiuk
Interesting ... My record was 12 days. On weekends I take a break so...
Bertha Kgokong
@antonovna I used to take a break on weekends, until i noticed the streak count, now I log it just to keep the streak going
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
Threat Modeling e-book
Threat Modeling e-book
@antonovna you can easily automate that :)
Ira GI
Interesting! I skip attendance days and my counter always resets