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  • Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 18th of May)

    Aaron O'Leary
    166 replies
    Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. 😊


    Ivan Abramov
    Hello Hunters! Hope you are doing well 🙌 I've made stories and photo editor for iPhone that create fully edited photos with just one swipe. I am just at the beginning of these exiting journey and look forward to receive your feedback at https://www.producthunt.com/post... Cheers, Ivan
    Andrei Popa
    Hello PH🐱 Today we launched our smart business card on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/post... The second link takes you to a Cardanti profile, the one that appears on the smartphone when using the Card. I'd love you to access it on mobile and save contact, tell me if everything is all right. Cheers!
    Kirill Kamanin
    @andrei_popa33 Great work. As soon as the crisis will go away we will definitely use it! saved your project to our must have list. ! :)
    George Dy
    @andrei_popa33 looks slick - maybe a .vcf version? what do you think is the major advantage against a stack of cards that never get lost? or LI contact sharing when you always have your phone?
    Andrei Popa
    @george_dy It is a VCF, you can save the contact in your phone. The stack of cards may not be lost by you, but they will surely end up in the drawer of your meeting partner. The LI contact sharing is a bit strange for me, nobody I met uses the proximity feature, so you end up typing your name on a stranger's smartphone, not ideal. Basically its a better business card, you still have a physical product that you pull out of your wallet, its just that you only need one so maybe your wallet will look a lot better :)
    Jack Wright
    @andrei_popa33 Hey! Ok, when I first went to your site, I that this was a business (credit) card. Human error on my end, but maybe something to be cognisant of! I think this is pretty cool. I think this is one of those ideas that people have been waiting to get right. Everything seems clear on your site, but you may want to give extra emphasis to where the information is saved. That's not super clear to me. All in all really cool stuff though. Congrats! J
    Andrei Popa
    @jack_wright1 Thanks for the feedback! Indeed many people think its a credit card because of the form factor, but we can try to solve that with COPY, clearer but less brandy (for the begining atleast). The data is saved in your profile, just like on facebook, the card only holds a link to the said profile :) Thanks for the kind words
    G’day from Sydney, 🇦🇺 I’m launching Chrome extension that saves Google Meet captions to help you stay focused during meetings by reducing the time spent on note taking. We all started to have substantially more video calls and having all conversations saved in the text format provides you with the backup. https://www.producthunt.com/post... The goal is to make powerful meeting minutes without typing anything. I'd love to get some feedback around the tool and also ask you if you'd use tags to highlight important parts of the conversation during the meeting. Stay safe🐱
    @ksenia_svechnikova Looks pretty handy! As a user, I would definitely appreciate being able to use tags based on the topic, but also add personal notes later on. As concerns, I would be worried about accuracy, and especially about privacy. Hope this is useful!
    Hi @gaialiciabalossi, thanks for your feedback. Super helpful! Since Tactiq saves the transcript provided by Google Meet it has pretty good accuracy, especially for native speakers. Not so good for non-native unfortunately. Users' privacy is at the core of the decision making, for this reason app don't store the transcription neither in text not in audio format. During the meeting transcript is temporary save in browser tab and when you choose to export it, Tactiq securely send it to Google Docs (or any place that you've chosen). Hope this help with some of the concerns you may have.😌
    Divyanshu Kalra
    @ksenia_svechnikova This looks really cool! We do a lot of meetings on Google Meet so I can see it being useful. If there a way to save recording and the .srt file for it and have the video play with captions at a later date?
    George Dy
    @ksenia_svechnikova solid, if people can learn to rely on the transcription then its a totally invaluable tool for people that need the notes but want to stay engaged
    Thanks for sharing @kalradivyanshu Yes, actually .srt export is under investigation :) Could you share for what types of meeting you need .srt?
    Matt Rowbotham
    Hey PH fam! I'm about to launch a beta of Traxart. We increase webinar conversions with hyper-personalised follow-up emails based on attendee interactions. If you are hosting a webinar anytime soon, we'd love you to check us out and provide some feedback! https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Cheers, Matt
    ozhan atali
    @matt_rowbotham Hi Matt , just few points 1) I think its better to present it somemore detailed on your landing page (traxart.co) although I saw 1 more screenshot on betapage. 2) API integration with video conferencing tools might be needed.
    Matt Rowbotham
    @ozhanatali Thanks, Ozhan! It initially integrates with Zoom's API and we're working on Zapier at the moment for easy CRM upload. Redoing the landing and betapage is a great suggestion :)
    Chris Woelk
    Hello there, Im sharing with you the my new project Centralboard.app: The last week i designed and developed CentralBoard, a Customisable dashboard service for your Pi, Smart-Mirror and Browser, and... Website: https://www.centralboard.app Producthunt 🐱: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Short Medium Post: https://medium.com/@hello_48809/... I put our focus in this service on simple things, like reusability, simplicity and usability. I already developed some widgets, like an iCloud Photo and Google Photo, or JSON widget. What do you think about my project? Any suggestions?
    Ryan Wilson
    @redbeed Hey, Chris! This is awesome! I've toyed with an idea like this myself. I've worked at a few different companies as a software engineer and we've always built our dashboards custom. They make good side projects for bored developers at big companies. Have you thought about your target audience? Is it developers? Product managers? Have you thought about overcoming the rejection of people saying they can just build their own dashboard? I think your landing page could benefit from being a bit more focused. You have a feature section for each of your big use cases. As I scroll, it makes it kinda confusing to know what it's for. I think you should focus the whole landing page in on one of those use cases - whether it's a personal dashboard, family board, team board, or the mirror displays. Choose whichever is most promising. A lot of websites follow a model of having a main landing page, then in the footer have "for" links. Like "for bloggers", "for teams", "for journalists". This allows each of those pages to be a landing page focused on each target audience. Cheers,
    Chris Woelk
    @ryan_wilson6 Hey Ryan, first thanks for your excellent suggestion. The idea is created because I had an "old" monitor, that is now hanging on my office wall. I basically use it to see the next meetings and calls in my calendar and the weather. So the widgets, that are currently available are based on this (my own) use case. You are right, the landing page, at the moment, is a simple "one" pager, where a customer needs to find his own "example" why to use centralboard, but I will split it into different sub landing pages. The goal is to make it easy for the customer and for google to get a picture what the service can do. Currently, the audience is currently the "basic" customer with only a few simple interests. I plan, and have already begun, to develop widgets for specific interest groups, e.g. Google Analytics, Simple Analytics, Spotify, Philips Hue or JIRA. Also, some more basic widgets for everyone like a Note, Checklist and Mail overview widget. So I think, at the moment, the audience is more the personal user and not product managers or owners. But in the near future I hope to deliver widgets for more groups like I mentioned before. Thanks, Chris
    Ryan Wilson
    @redbeed This sounds like a good plan. I recently unmounted my second monitor because it was taking up space and I didn't use it much. This sounds like a great use case for it! I might have to set it back up to try your product out. I think focusing the landing page on the personal dashboard will help you gain some initial users in that group. Initial personal users might help you break into the enterprise world with customers if they love it enough they want to use it at their company. Other than just enterprise integrations like Analytics and Jira, I could see team access control features being a popular feature to have when the time comes. I saw in your medium post's intro video, that JSON is a supported widget(?) Have you considered creating an open-source plugin system that would allow a community to build dashboard plugins?
    Chris Woelk
    @ryan_wilson6 Oh yes, you should give centralboard a try. At the moment I didn't write any "how tos" for setting up a Pi with centralboard or anything like that, but if you need help while setting it up or build widgets please reach out to me here or at twitter. Also, if you want to, please tell me about your experience while building a dashboard and about the performance. Yes I build a JSON Widget for the more experienced user - you type in the endpoint to the JSON and then you can build your own "widget layout" with mustache. A marketplace for widgets is on my todo-list, but first I wanted to focus on widgets that are built by me. The plan is, that you can set up the layout, the config variables and a simple data "parser" maybe, so you, e.g. can parse the data that's incoming before displaying it on the custom widget.
    Jack Wright
    @hello_48809 @redbeed Hey Chris, This is actually really cool. I'm going to be honest: I wasn't super clear on what the product was exactly until I read some of these comments, and really dug into the site. To @ryan_wilson6 point, I think you could really benefit from focus. I would choose one direction (i.e. target business teams, families, personal use, etc). Focusing on one direction will make it much easier to sell (since you have a clear idea of your user), and market (since you can just talk about the features that appeal to that target market). I think the imagery on the site could use a bit of love too. For instance, instead of showing a family, you may want to show a visual of the product. Right now, it's kind of hard to get a sense for what the product's actually like. Overall I think it's a really cool idea though! Keep pushing. I could see this turning into something really great.
    Hello Hunters, I am building an online tool which helps you in saving your time in marketing for social media by - creating social media content for you, in bulk! http://www.designtack.com I would love to know your thoughts and it would mean everything if you do get onboard the beta community. Cheers,
    William Underwood
    @realdesigntack Sounds very useful, joined your beta. I'd suggest having someone go over your copy though. I see several awkward phrases and misspellings ("customatizations").
    TAG: You are it!
    @realdesigntack I signed up for the beta version. I am curious how this is different from other social media content scheduling apps out there?
    George Dy
    @realdesigntack i can see this as a really helpful tool folks that already know their voice and Just need filler content, i recall buffer trying to do this with headline matching recommendations
    @play_tag Glad to have you! The tool helps you to CREATE content in bulk, mainly. The scheduling part will be provided later :)
    Jack Wright
    @realdesigntack Hey Vaibhav, Cool idea! I think this is one of those products where you really need to show some example content, to prove (or at least start to prove) that your product can deliver on the promise. It's a relatively bold claim, so you'll want to give some quick validation. Overall the site's good! Maybe not the most beautiful, but certainly one of the clearest sites I've seen... and that's what matters. Bravo!
    Good morning Product Hunters! ☕️ If you're working on an impact driven startup and need help finding talent or co-founders we can help! Our new jobs board (Developmentable) is built to help you create a remote team working on topics like climate change, sustainability, education and more. If you're interested, sign up for the waiting list and we'll give you 3 free job posts that you can use whenever you need them! Sign-up here 👉https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    @tyclimateguy Looks promising! I think many people want to find a job in line with the topics they care about
    @gaialiciabalossi Thanks a bunch for signing up Gaia! Please share and invite anyone you can think of who's looking for jobs in sectors that make a big difference.
    Stefano Esposito
    Hello folks! I designed "Air Strumming", a brand new rhythm guitar method which will help people understand better the movements of the right hand and to play the rhythm parts in a more fluid way! You can find my post here: https://www.producthunt.com/post... I'd like you to check my landing page and give me advices. If you're learning guitar and you want to test the method you can contact me and we can discuss about it :) It's nice to be here! Stefano
    Rick M
    Hi folks! Yesterday we launched Serverauth: https://www.producthunt.com/post... It's been really fun building it and we've got tons of ideas in the pipeline. The concept is that it helps you secure your web servers by limiting who can access them and when. I recently redid the main site in TailwindCSS which was fun to figure out. It's a pretty basic and small site but I'd appreciate any feedback you have!
    Hirday Gupta
    @rick_m1 Hi Rick, ServerAuth looks awesome! As someone who is developing a product with access to medical data, I always worry about the balance between the pace needed as an early stage team (read: deploying hot fix on a prod server) and server security - this will be incredibly useful to me in that regard! The landing page looks absolutely gorgeous as well. I had a couple questions: 1. For our auditing purposes, it would be great if we could have a log of who accessed the servers and when. Do you think this is possible? 2. What about database servers like mongoDB? How would i secure access to those kinds of servers with your service? Thank you! And keep up the great work :)
    Rick M
    Hi @hirday_gupta, thanks for the kind words :) With regards to access logs this is something we're working on in our roadmap. Our aim is to allow you to turn it on per-server and then be able to access both the 'raw' log for in-depth auditing, as well as provide a nice visual of activity by team member across your servers. It's a tricky one to get right but one that we think we can do well. For now we're primarily focusing on SSH based security as this is the primary area where we've seen people having issues, however we've got some ideas in the pipeline for expanding this to other services such as databases (primarily MySQL, Postgres and Mongo) and services such as ElasticSearch.
    Sumit Datta [dwata] 👋
    Hello Makers and Hunters, I've been working on https://dwata.com full time since end of April 2020. Some of you may notice the progress updates that I share on PH. Dwata is: - Powerful, self-hosted, open source admin - At a fraction of development cost - Manage your SQL, APIs (Stripe, Mailchimp, etc.) & Content in one place - Work with your entire team - Bring your backend for custom logic (any framework/language) The idea comes from my many years of working as a software engineer (10+ startups) and seeing companies passively invest in their own admin software (Django, Laravel, React... all combinations). I am also focusing on making things easy for everyone in the team, not just techies. Team collaboration is part of the core thought process, like everyone sees what are the pending shipments or most active customers, etc. Keeping company wide notes on data or share filtered views (week/week, month/month) so that everyone is on the same page. I will try to show 2 public demos per month and do 1 release per month. All demos are open to everyone, but initially the software releases will be only to early adopters - which I am trying gather. If you are interested in using Dwata in your company please poke me. I am happy to prioritize some tasks to fit the needs of early adopters. Cheers and thank you all :)
    Amit Jugran
    Hello there guys! Since corona-virus outbreak, I lost my consulting projects, and all of a sudden was left with a lot of free time. Fortunately for me I have a good support system, but I realised that many people are not so fortunate. So I decided to offer my expertise 'for-free' to couple of individuals who are impacted financially in the current scenario and have dependents. Past couple of weeks I worked with 2 individuals who lost their jobs and one startup, helping them restart. In the process I realised I can easily spend 20-25% of my worktime helping others with my expertise. And I love the experience to be honest :-). Since past couple of weeks I also realised that there can be more people who have time on hand, and can help others. So I decided to put together a simple not-for-profit platform. I intend to continue to evolve it, for ex: Offer for free use already paid subscriptions, softwares and extensions that are not used by me. And I have a few of them! Here is my not-for-profit - https://vikat.org I am still refining it, and look forward to your views and feedback. As I mentioned, the intention is not to make it complicated. And If you'd like to join me, please let me know. More the merrier. Cheers, AJ
    Imran Khan
    Hi there! I just launched Coursor - A marketplace for course creators. I realised there is not a single aggregator for course creators and built Coursor to solve this. Any feedback is appreciated. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Jack Wright
    @strongsoda Hey! I think this is a really cool idea. But the site does feel a bit premature. I think it's ok to launch with a limited number of instructors, but you should emphasize why you've chosen to collaborate with these instructors. Just my two-cents. All-in-all I think it's a great concept with great potential though! Keep going!
    Imran Khan
    @jack_wright1 I launched quickly after having an initial picture of what it could look like, to get feedback and validation. And I did receive some very helpful feedback that I'll be using to update the site which will be ready by probably end of day. Thanks for your feedback. It does make sense to emphasize what the listed people gained by listing themselves.
    Alex G
    Hi, thanks, for making an opportunity to share our products here, i want to introduce with a brand new web-theme, let's see it and tell me some of your valuable feedback. Blooria – Modern and Clean Magazine Ghost Blog Theme This theme is multipurpose and Dark and Light version. It is a well-documented and very lightweight theme. It is a content-focused and ready for all users. Product; https://bit.ly/2z7dzcB Here is our web; https://www.electronthemes.com/ Advanced Thanks
    Barbara Shilóva
    Hello everyone from Moscow! Im launching soon AR music app! It allows you to play music with your hands! Check it out and give me your feedback please https://arma-app.com/ https://www.instagram.com/arma_a... Cheers ;)
    Kirill Kamanin
    @armaapp great idea, why don't u launch a mask in instagram with it?
    ozhan atali
    @armaapp privet :) It look interesting, just for an idea.. there are many people making live stream about techno music on twitch. maybe you could reach some of them to try over there?
    Raghavendra Reddy
    Covid19worldchat is a place for people all across the world to chat about their experiences and activities in quarantine. https://www.producthunt.com/post... https://covid19worldchat.com
    Hi Product Hunt 👋 I have recently launched Alphadence - An app aiming to simplify the stock market. Alphadence is also part of my universities 'Final Major Project', which is due in 7 days. I'd really appreciate hearing some of your feedback to help towards improving the app and my university project. 😃 Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Download: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/al... Cheers, Will
    William Underwood
    We just launched our landing page and Upcoming page for vzg ('visage'): https://vzg.me https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Target audience is: People interested in a non-Facebook/Google channel for sharing photos, videos, and social media with friends and family that doesn't require recipients to download an app How you can help: We'll be opening up access in the next 2 weeks and need beta testers! Please sign up on the site or subscribe to our Upcoming page to try it out. Appreciate any feedback!
    Saajan Jain
    Hello there, I am ready to launch a 'Facebook Ads Targeting 101' PDF+Video Ebook & its up for preorder. Would love for any kind of feedback out there. Do check it out. Pre-order Link: https://gum.co/aZmeh Regards, Saajan Jain
    Nathan Parikh
    Hi there, PH! 👋 I recently launched my first product (for myself) ever. It's a WordPress plugin: Automatically embed live video from your Facebook page or YouTube channel (Vimeo and Twitch coming soon) on your site. Easily set custom content for when you're offline, and no more manually grabbing embed codes. 🙌 https://wplivestream.com Would love to hear your feedback on the plugin or the site itself. Cheers, Nathan
    Robin Nessensohn
    Hi guys 🤩 We included a new quiz on our page, where you can see what type of innovator you are and receive custom recommendations for resources: https://www.reallygoodinnovation... Would be great to hear what you think about the quiz and the result page 😃 Thanks guuys! Best, Robin
    Courtney Ruth
    @robin_nessensohn This is awesome! I love the design and the tools on the website are incredibly helpful! I look forward to diving in. @caryn___, check this out.
    Courtney Ruth
    @caryn___ It's brilliant! Sign up + take the innovators quiz!
    Robin Nessensohn
    @caryn___ @courtneyruth thank you so much guys! Really excited that you like it! Could you some give me feedback on what resources are the most helpful for you? And is there something missing? Thanks a lot!
    Courtney Ruth
    @caryn___ @robin_nessensohn I honestly love the design + flow. I wish it were possible to update my profile photo (it ended up looking grainy). Initially, I took the quiz a bit absentmindedly and would love to be able to retake it. In general, I love the community idea and look forward to seeing this built out a bit more. It would be interesting to see what people are working on and maybe even see what they need help with// see what they are able to + willing to assist others in (i.e. my profile could say that I am willing to offer marketing advice and Caryn's could say that she is seeking help with her GTM... something that helps foster community). Just an idea! Overall, I am thrilled to be part of this new community and LOVE what you have built!