30 beta testers with 1 post.

Slim Geransar
13 replies
I read a lot of people asking how you get beta testers. I’ve played with a few methods but this one was the most effective, cheapest, valuable, and required the least time. 1. Went to Reddit 2. Found the most relevant sub Reddit to my ICP (ideal customer profile). 3. Reached to the the moderator and explained I needed the community support to test a platform that solves (problem x). I mentioned I am not charging and this is completely free. 4. Make a simple post about the problem I am trying to solve and need the community support. I also mentioned this was approved by the moderator. Provided a link 5. Directed DMs and Comments to a landing page collecting first name and email. 6. Sent them access details. 7. Interviewed a few of them and had several fill out a survey. Total time spent: 20 minutes (not including creating email capture form) Total cost: just my time Total value: priceless. Gained clarity, made several modifications and now I have a solution that better solves my ICP problems. NOTE: you if take anything away from this, it’s to interview and have your actual ICP test your product, not your family or friends…


Dmytro Semyrian
That's a fantastic approach to finding beta testers! I especially love the emphasis on interviewing your actual ICP for valuable feedback. Thanks for sharing your insights!
Simona O'Neill
Great idea and workflow ! Thanks for sharing
Mihajlo Kovacevic
Very useful, thanks!
Matej Cabadaj
PURE GOLD! 🏆 Thanks a lot for sharing, I will definitely do the same!
Incredibly useful, thank you for sharing! 👏👏👏
Liz Wullems-Griffioen
Great idea, am attempting this now. Did the group you posted in note specifically in the rules that no advertising was allowed? I'll see how I can get around that with the group I'm attempting to post in....
Liz Wullems-Griffioen
@slimmy82 the moderator wasn't keen unfortunately
@liz_griffioen how did it work out?
@liz_griffioen yes, but I reached out to the moderator first out of respect
@liz_griffioen I’m sorry to hear.
Liz Wullems-Griffioen
by the way, please check out our Product Hunt campaign which went live today :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Thanks and a very useful tips....