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  • Which platform do you use for personal branding?

    31 replies
    Please tell me why in your replies. Would love to hear any tips. Since 2016 I've been using Medium to reflect on my career path, share learnings and mark major career milestones. It's been a great way to expand my network and increase my career capital. I also copy these over to LinkedIn where I have far more followers and connections. I enjoy writing so it's a fun and valuable way for me to work on my personal brand. I also use Twitter for meeting new folks but I prefer creating long form text versus threads. Tell me about you!


    Ope Bukola
    Twitter is low lift, even without writing I can share interesting finds. I'm looking for a platform to blog though. Not a fan of Medium as there's too much crud around the writing, and paywall prompt is poor ux
    Ope Bukola
    @abadesi Yep I'm definitely considering a personal blog because I enjoy longer-form writing. I'm currently trying to pick the right platform, considering ghost, svbtle or blot.im
    @ope_bukola I hear you! Have you considered a personal blog or starting a newsletter with Revue or Tiny Letter?
    Lotanna Ezeike
    I use twitter to build personal brand, its just easier. I am not a great writer so Medium has never been my strong point. I find Linkedin too serious and full of a lot of stuck-up characters. Twitter has the right mix. A place where professionals come to show their real selves.
    @lotts Yes LinkedIn has a quality issue for sure, but from a b2b perspective it's still unbeatable IMO.
    Ranvijay Singh
    I think you are the one responsible for building a community around you based on your likes and interest. Linkedin helps me getting in touch with people to learn and share experiences, and the most important to discuss business in more professional way. Start getting connected to people of your interest. Follow their feeds and ultimately you will be in a good position to offer the best solution for the respective prospect. LinkedIn is great!
    @ranvijay_singh Yes I certainly see some of my connections using LinkedIn in a very powerful way. Do you write any LinkedIn posts?
    Ranvijay Singh
    @abadesi, Yes, atleast one short post a day.
    Anne-Laure Le Cunff
    I mainly use Twitter, and I've stopped posting on Medium to focus on my own self-hosted blog, where I have more control over how I build my mailing list and the overall user experience. One platform I'm curious about because I see it used more and more often is Substack.
    @anthilemoon ah yes I keep seeing more about Substack but haven't experimented with it, have you? And yes I see your point about ownership of followers/subscribers. Its so manageable to host a blog these days, but what I like about Medium is discoverability... although it's big I still manage to connect with people there I don't know in any other networks.
    Anne-Laure Le Cunff
    @abadesi Interesting! All the readers I got on Medium were from me sharing the post across my network. Then they would go on reading articles by other people on the platform rather than more of my own articles. And I haven't used Substack yet but had a call with Hamish a few weeks ago and it sounds super promising!
    @anthilemoon good to know, I'll keep it in my radar 😊
    anthony ware
    Twitter is my go-to right now. My next step is a personal publication that blends all of my interests and experiences. I've tried Medium and even LinkedIn in the past. Now, my goal is (1) to have a close to a direct connection and relationship with people, (2) not be trapped by the ever-changing tech platforms. This will include text messages, too.
    @theanthonyware Nice! Are you thinking of starting a newsletter?
    anthony ware
    @abadesi Yes, and restarting my podcast. Then, use my blog as the hub. I'm on substack right now - https://anthonyware.substack.com. and exploring other platforms.
    All on Linkedin @abadesi ! But I work for the old world.
    Sohaib Nadeem
    Dribbble or Behance. Sometimes LinkedIn and Instagram prove to be very vital.
    @thesohaibkhan How do you use Instagram?
    Sohaib Nadeem
    @abadesi Instagram is a very creative and one of the fastest interaction medias I have encountered. Since I am a designer, I eventually post my designs off and on and since I have it in my tags and on profile I am a designer, I have interacted with tons of designers and agencies. Have not got a gig till now though but it has provided me with a great deal of insight in the community. One of the best places to get results from marketing yourself in the easiest ways possible.
    Radhika Mohan Singh Roy
    While LinkedIn, Twitter & Insta are all great, I feel it helps to have a full stack marketing automation platform like EngageBay to automate your email marketing effortlessly.
    @radha_mohan_singh_roy This is what you do for your own personal branding?
    Radhika Mohan Singh Roy
    @abadesi Actually for our organizational branding, since it is a small team, so it comes across as more personal. :)
    Jonathan Sun
    Instagram for me... it depends who you are targeting. I'm a proud Gen Z member so that's why :)
    @jonathan_sun1 tell me more about how you use it to build your brand. Do you have a multiple accounts?
    Jonathan Sun
    @abadesi I have three (but two are for startups). I'm not a crazy personal brander digitally- to gain connections and a reputation in the business industry I much rather prefer in person networking events and referrals by friends. But I'm getting a little better! Trying to use platforms like ProductHunt and stuff
    @jonathan_sun1 Nice! yeah agreed referrals are great! How do you determine the quality of networking events?
    Jonathan Sun
    @abadesi Stuff related to what you are interested in is usually a good sign! Also events that are not too big in number (more meetup style) allows for a higher quality of relationships than the bigger ones. It always helps when a friend comes along :)
    Vinicius Brasil
    As a developer, I write on Medium and dev.to https://medium.com/@vnbrs
    Emme Mandara
    If you like to write long form you should check out Shuffle! This is a multidisciplinary platform that lets you build a holistic professional identity / showcase a variety of skills in one place - anything from dance, literary arts, tech, etc. the list goes on. The profile is pretty lovely too. You can build out detailed bios/portfolios for each of your fields, and in addition there is a community side so you can get gritty meeting peers in each discipline/nerd out about works in progress, etc. Also, no ads or other noise, which I really prefer for focusing on career development / brand building. Less distraction, more focus. It's invite-only at the moment but they do have a waitlist so you should check it out :) www.shuffle.do