We just launched our platform called Inneryou and we would love to hear your feedback on it.

Kwame Kyei
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Inneryou is what people are working on right now and the strategies they are using. https://inneryou.io/ The truth is, it's tough to connect and learn from people that are not in our immediate circle. Most people are busy and might not have the time to share their process; thus, the strategies they used to help them get to where they are now. To address this, we have created a social platform where users can create, track, and reflect on this life journey as it happens — a public and centralized journal of one's life process. Our goal is to make Inneryou home to collections of strategies people have adopted to help them get closer to their goal. By sharing your journey, we hope that someone going through a similar journey can draw inspiration from your process. We would be please to learn more about your journey, whether it is breaking startup, switching careers, or fitness goal.
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