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  • Startup founders, what are your self-care practices?

    anthony ware
    14 replies
    Please be as detailed as you want, and include the country where you live at the moment. Background: I recently finished the first part of a research study on mental health and wealth. The top 5 results were: 1) Time with Close Friends 2) Entertainment - Amazon Prime, Netflix , Hulu 3) Read Books 4) Workout - Yoga, Crossfit, etc. 5) Travel Full report: https://www.foundermentalwealth.com/the-report


    Matt Fisher
    That report page is excellent reading @theanthonyware (and very well presented). I've downloaded the full report and will make time to read at some point soon. Thank you! For myself, I find mindfulness meditation very helpful - but often fall out of the habit of doing it regularly. [Edit: UK/32/White/Male - so I'm a long way from the 'underestimated founder' demographic you're focusing on, but very interested in the discussion]
    anthony ware
    @mjfisher Appreciate you making time to check out the site and report. You're right about the underestimated demo. In the macro, we're all in this human experience together, and it's key that every founder have a self-care practice. Quick tip, don't know if you know, but you can practice mindfulness meditation in more ways than sitting. You can practice is while walking, drinking a cup of tea, or even when eating your favorite dessert.
    Marine Dhap
    Currently living in Barcelona it's sometimes really complicated to take care of myself and just relax. Hard work + busy and noisy city life. Here comes my list: 1) Sport 2) Eat healthy and Veggie 3) Read 4) Netflix 5) Create things with my hands ( I am working all day long on a computer and I did not use my hands and brain to create anymore). So now I am doing some drawings + Ceramics. Thanks for sharing this report ;) Have a nice day!
    anthony ware
    @marine_dhap Love reading that you're diving into creating with hands. Is this something you've done in the past and are returning to it. How did you get introduced to working with ceramics?
    Marine Dhap
    @theanthonyware haha no I just saw a ceramics shop in my street offering ceramics classes and I though what a cool idea. It's actullay really nice and relaxing. You should definitely try some day ;)
    Can't wait to see the results. My self-care routine involves: time with my partner and friends, reading /listening to books, exercise, walks in the park and dining out.
    anthony ware
    @abadesi Much gratitude for all of your support of this project. Time with nature sounds super refreshing. Is there something in particular that you like about the park compared to a walk in your local area...concrete jungle?
    Kash Pourdeilami
    Mine is making sure I never skip gym because if I can establish that discipline, everything else in my day also falls into place. Knowing I have to be in the gym every other night from 10 to 11:30, gets me to get my chores done quickly and not waste time on reddit/netfix
    anthony ware
    @kpourdeilami I dig the grounding...physical and mental...by having a foundational activity to your day.
    Ki Xia
    1 word: breathing. :) I am a yogi and reiki practitioner.
    Alex Devero
    Thank you @theanthonyware for sharing the report! These are my every-day non-negotiables: 1) Workout - calisthenics, HIIT, yoga 2) Meditation 3) Eating healthy (carnivore diet, omad) 4) Reading 5) Sleep (at least 8 hours)
    Alex Devero
    @theanthonyware Exactly. Work hard & rest hard. Sleep is crucial for peak performance, both physical and psychological. The idea of "I will sleep when I am dead" is nonsense. Cut on sleep and your brain function, memory and focus will soon worsen, not mention energy and overall health. Although sleep may seem like a waste of time, it is actually one of the best "investment" of one's time. It is one thing that can help one perform better in all areas of life, personal, social, work, etc. It is safe to say that "one can't out-eat or out-exercise bad sleeping sleeping habits. Sleep is irreplaceable.