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  • If you only had time to try one of these, which would you start with?

    Ki Xia
    5 replies
    Coming late to the party, but I'd like to start learning & shipping No-Code MVPs!


    Welcome @ki_ss! Do you already know what you want to build? Are you asking to determine what the next best step is?
    Ki Xia
    @abadesi Thank you!! I came to the same conclusion myself this morning - the easiest cheapest solution for right now. I'll let you know how it goes, I appreciate your opinion!
    Ki Xia
    Hi @abadesi ! Yes I am! I have oh, about 100 projects or so, that I've been storing in my notebooks. I had no idea you could do all this now. I learn best by just doing, and I have old school html skills. :D
    Ki Xia
    @abadesi Hi there!! I am ready to launch into building again and I just wanted to ask your personal advice - would you start with Makerpad or just Carrd? I am shooting to ship 1 MVP per week, very light ones that are mostly ideas. Kind of like blog posts in website form. Do you have suggestions?
    @ki_ss Gosh hard to say without knowing more but if it's just a landing page you need then Carrd, I have a Pro account. Its exceptional value and incredibly easy to use.